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InfoQ Homepage Ruby Content on InfoQ

  • Replaces RubyForge as Gem Host

    With a recent announcement from Nick Quaranto, has become the default gem source for RubyGems. The three domains,, and now all point to the same place, and gem serving and installation work for all three. is the main web front end, to which the other two sites redirect. The secure site,, is also now live.

  • Rhodes 1.5 Allows to use Ruby to Write Apps for Smartphones - and now the iPad

    Rhomobile has released Rhodes 1.5, the Ruby based, cross-platform, smartphone app-framework Rhodes. InfoQ asked Rhomobile CEO Adam Blum whether we still need native apps when we have HTML 5?

  • A New Addition to the InfoQ Family: The Operations Community

    A 7th community has now joined the current 6 on InfoQ. When one looks at our existing queues, one sees a definitive pattern - we currently focus upon application development and architecture (.NET, Ruby, Java, SOA, Architecture) and also Agile techniques, primarily in the context of application development. However, what happens to that software once it's been developed?

  • JRuby Roundup: JRuby-Prof Allows Fast Profiling, JRuby::Synchronized for Automatic Synchronization

    JRuby-Prof is a new, low overhead profiler for JRuby which, unlike plain Java profilers, will generate clear, Ruby-specific reports. A new feature in JRuby is JRuby::Synchronized, a module that, when extended, will make all methods of a class synchronized.

  • WebSockets and Bayeux/CometD

    There are two technologies which bring communication into browser-based applications at the moment; Bayeux (aka CometD) and more recently, WebSockets. Will one supersede the other, or are there sufficient differences for both to thrive?

  • CWE/SANS Top 25 Programming Errors

    Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), a strategic initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has published the document 2010 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors, a list of 25 code errors that lead, in authors’ opinion, to the worst software vulnerabilities.

  • ThoughtWorks’ Developers Favor Distributed Version Control Systems

    Martin Fowler has conducted a survey on ThoughtWorks’ software development mailing list to determine how some of the version control systems (VCS) are perceived by developers. He also wrote a review of most prominent VCSes comparing centralized and distributed systems.

  • InfoQ User Survey Results

    Back in January, InfoQ published a User Survey and asked for people to take a few minutes and fill it out. Our reasoning for doing so was pretty straightforward - we wanted to know how we could improve the InfoQ experience for you, the user. We were pleasantly surprised that within a few days of posting the survey we had received several thousand replies - these are the results of that survey.

  • Ruby 1.9.2 Release Schedule Aims at August for Final Release

    Now that Ruby 1.9.2 passes all RubySpec tests, a revised release schedule for Ruby 1.9.2 has been announced. It aims at mid-August for the final release.

  • QCon Live: What's Happening at QCon London This Week?

    This week, the fourth annual QCon London is in progress. Starting on March 8th with tutorials and ending on March 12th with a "meet the speakers" social, there will be a lot happening. This article describes the many ways that readers can follow along with the events at QCon as they are happening.

  • What Standardization Will Mean For Ruby

    The standardization of Ruby is making progress: after the announcement in 2008, a first draft of the standard has been published. What does this mean for RubySpec, the executable Ruby specification, and the other Ruby implementations?

  • Experiment Driven Development - The Post-Agile Way

    TDD and BDD are now widely-used software development techniques. However, solely following TDD & BDD may still lead to missed business opportunities, or worse, a negative impact to the business. Two questions which TDD & BDD are unable to answer are: How do you measure the usage of your application? How do you get feedback from your customers? Is Experiment-Driven Development (EDD) the answer?

  • PhoneGap Brings Cross Platform Development Back to Mobile Platforms

    PhoneGap allows to build cross platform mobile apps with HTML5 and Javascript; it has APIs for accessing camera, accelerometer, GPS, etc. The code is packaged into native apps which can be deployed via app stores. PhoneGap support includes iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian and Palm. InfoQ talked to one of the creators of PhoneGap, Brian LeRoux of Nitobi, about the current state of PhoneGap.

  • Puppet: Ruby-based Server Management Automation Suite

    The team at Reductive Labs recently announced the release of version 0.25.2 of Puppet, the open source Ruby-based configuration management and automation tool for Linux and Unix servers. In this software bug-fix release, 123 open tickets were closed, and the developers claim a reduced memory footprint, improved error reporting, threading, and lock contention (a source of reported system hangs).

  • Adobe Flex: How have the Latest Developments Affected its Momentum for Enterprise Adoption?

    The Adobe Flex ecosystem has experienced significant growth in the last years, with a plethora of community driven projects and deployments. Never the less, in the last few months there have been several developments like its exclusion from the iPad platform, community reactions about long lasting bugs and more, that have led to questions about its future viability.