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InfoQ Homepage Ruby Content on InfoQ

  • A Statically Compiled Ruby for iOS

    A statically compiled variant of Ruby is now available for building applications that target iOS devices. Known as RubyMotion, this language and tool chain from HipByte fully conforms to Apple’s App Store guidelines.

  • Phusion Passenger 3.2 Preview Released: Evented I/O, Python Support

    Phusion has released a preview release of their upcoming 3.2 version of Phusion Passenger. Version 3.2 comes with a re-written ApplicationPool, I/O handling is now event-driven and the Python support became a first-class citizen.

  • GitHub Compromised by Mass Assignment Vulnerability

    GitHub was recently compromised by a vulnerability in Ruby on Rails know as mass assignment. This vulnerability is thought to not only affect a large number of Ruby-based websites, but also those using ASP.NET MVC and other ORM-backed web frameworks.

  • Ruby Enterprise Edition End-of-Life, Phusion Focuses on Passenger

    Phusion announced that their Ruby 1.8.7 based Enterprise Edition (REE) is nearing its end-of-life. A Ruby 1.9 based version is not planned, instead the team focuses on Phusion Passenger, their solution for running Ruby on Apache and Nginx.

  • Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro

    Travis CI, a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) offering for open source projects on Github, has announced support for Java builds, as well as Scala and Groovy additions. After gaining traction among the Ruby open source community the project is now looking into the possibility of expansion to a hosted CI service (nicknamed Travis Pro).

  • Ruby IDE Roundup: JetBrains Releases Rubymine 4.0, Ruby for NetBeans 7.1 in the Works

    JetBrains released version 4 of their Ruby IDE RubyMine. This release focuses on better performance, and contains incremental improvements and polishing in many areas. For NetBeans 7.1, a preview release of the community Ruby support is now available.

  • Bitmap Marking GC for Ruby Improves Memory Usage

    The successor of Ruby 1.9.3 will replace the current Lazy Sweep Garbage Collector with a Bitmap Marking GC, which will significantly reduce Ruby's memory usage for parallel programs, similar to Ruby Enterprise Edition's copy-on-write-friendly GC. We talked with Narihiro Nakamura who implemented both the current Lazy Sweep and the Bitmap Marking GC.

  • Major Denial of Service Vulnerability Affects Most Web Servers

    Security researcher Alexander Klink and Julian Wälde revealed a serious vulnerability that until recently affected the vast majority of web server. The attack only requires a single HTTP request that is specially designed to create hash code collisions in POST form data. When first discovered this attack affected Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, and ASP.NET, but vendors have been working on patches.

  • Ruby on Rails: 3.2 RC1 Released, 4.0 Will Drop Ruby 1.8.7

    The Ruby on Rails team announced the first release candidate of Rails 3.2. New features include a faster development mode, an explain feature for database queries and several smaller features. After 3.2, the next major release of Rails will be 4.0 and drop support for Ruby 1.8.7

  • Safe User-Generated Templates for Ruby and .NET

    Unlike other templating engines that focus on given as much power as possible to the user, Liquid is designed to restrict what the user can do. The goal is to allow end-users to create their own templates without jeopardizing the security of the server. Originally created for Ruby, Liquid is now available for .NET as well.

  • Engine Yard Adds Node.js Support

    Engine Yard joins the growing number of hosters with Node.js support. InfoQ talked to Dr Nic Williams about the nature of the Node.js support and more.

  • NoSQL OODB with Smalltalk-based Ruby VM: MagLev 1.0 Released

    The MagLev project has released version 1.0 of their Ruby VM. The Ruby implementation is based on the GemStone/S Smalltalk VM which comes with GemStone's distributed cache, ACID transactions, and persistence system (OODB). InfoQ caught up with Monty Williams of the MagLev project to talk about where MagLev fits on the NoSQL spectrum, and much more.

  • Ruby 1.9.3: Improved Performance and Stability and BSD Licensed

    The latest Ruby release 1.9.3 further improves the stability and performance of the 1.9 series and brings only few new features. Ruby's license changed to 2-clause BSD + Ruby License instead of GPLv2 + Ruby License.

  • InvokeDynamic and Javascript: New Compiler Dyn.js, Oracle Nashorn and Rhino

    Dyn.js is a new implementation of Javascript for Java. It makes use of Java 7's new features for dynamic languages (invokedynamic, Method Handles). InfoQ talked to dyn.js creator Douglas Campos about the reasons to create another Javascript for the JVM (next to Rhino and the announced Oracle Nashorn) and implementation details of dyn.js.

  • Facebook and Heroku Announce Partnership

    Today, Facebook and Heroku announced an integration between the their respective developer platforms that simplifies the development of Facebook Apps. With just a few clicks, you can select your language and configure which type of App you want to develop (Web Site, Canvas or Page Tab).