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InfoQ Homepage Scaling Agile Content on InfoQ

  • Why Scrum is Not Enough

    When developing large complex systems and dealing with legacy code, organizations need to have systems in place to support integration and delivery. Modularization can help when agile is scaled with multiple teams that are working in parallel. It's not the framework or method that will do the job, but how your people will make it work to solve your problems says Hans Dekkers.

  • Deploying Scrum and SAFe at Philips Lighting

    InfoQ interviewed Frank Penning, PMO manager from Philips Lighting, about the main challenges that Philips Lighting is facing in product development, why Scrum is not enough, how they apply SAFe, and the benefits that they have gained from deploying agile methods for product development.

  • How to Descale an Organization

    There are many frameworks available for scaling Agile. In contrast to the concept of scaling Agile, there is a belief of descaling the organization.

  • Adoption of SAFe at TomTom

    InfoQ interviewed Hans Aerts, vice president software development and agile coach at TomTom, about why they decided to adopt SAFe and how it was introduced and used to simplify the organizational structure and stop doing projects, why they focus on throughput rather than output, how they modified SAFe for Custom Systems, and what using SAFe has brought TomTom.

  • Scaling Dilemmas and How to Deal with Them

    Making teams working together can be challenging, but it is often needed to develop and deliver large complex products. In her opening keynote about scaling dilemma's at the Agile Adria 2015 conference Mary Poppendieck presented ideas for organizations that want to scale agile.

  • David Dame Describes Scaling Engagement Agility

    David Dame, enterprise agility change agent and organizational coach introduced scaling engagement agility in his recent blog. He says that instead of process scaling, think of engagement scaling.

  • Adoption of Agile in Eastern Europe

    The gap in agile adoption between Eastern Europe and the US and Western Europe is becoming smaller. Scrum is the most widespread framework, Kanban adoption is growing and SAFe, LeSS, DAD are trending. The way that companies are transitioning to agile is significantly different in Eastern Europe.

  • Launches New Learning Programs

    InfoQ spoke to Ken Schwaber about the new and updated assessment programs launched by He shares the vision of for 2015.

  • Mark Lines talks about Disciplined Agile Delivery

    At the upcoming Agile India conference Mark Lines, co-creator with Scott Ambler of Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) a process decision framework designed to help organizations to apply agile and lean for their unique context, will present a whole-day workshop on DAD. In advance of the conference he spoke to InfoQ about the challenges DAD is designed to help overcome and the value of certification

  • Going Beyond Agility with Antifragility

    Antifragility emphasizes embracing chaos or randomness through adapting and evolving. It can help enterprises to be more able to deal with and even gain from uncertainty and disorder, making them more flexible and adaptive to events that happen.

  • Evidence-Based Managing of Software Development

    If organizations want to make informed management decisions to maximize the delivered value they will need to gather evidence about value says Gunther Verheyen. InfoQ interviewed Gunther about evidence based software management and finding evidence, how Scrum relates to evidence-based managing, challenges in scaling agile, and advice for enterprises that want to adopt Scrum.

  • De-scaling Organizations using Scrum

    Scrum helps us to see what is happening. We can run experiments in Scrum sprints to improve the way of working using organizational models that help us to reinvent organizations in a way that “agile” becomes natural says Olaf Lewitz. InfoQ interviewed him about how to de-scale organizations and increase consciousness and how to create a culture that enables and fosters honest communication.

  • Q&A with Scott Ambler on the Disciplined Agile Enterprise

    “An agile enterprise is able to anticipate and respond swiftly to changes in the marketplace” says Scott Ambler. InfQ interviewed Scott about the reasons why agile projects are failing, how to increase budgets for building new systems, disciplined DevOps, harmonizing agile and lean, and on coaching for enterprise agility.

  • Achieving a Learning Culture that Supports Scaling Agile

    When you want to scale agile you have to view it as “a way of doing things, a mindset and a culture for the whole company” says Christoph Mathis. To scale agile you need to change the culture to achieve a learning organization.

  • Scaling Agile with the Disciplined Agile Delivery Framework

    The Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) framework is a process decision framework with end-to-end strategies for delivering solutions. InfoQ interviewed Mark Lines about the deploying the Disciplined Agile Delivery framework, how it support continuous delivery and DevOps, how DAD relates to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).