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Introducing Essence#: A Smalltalk-based Language for .NET
There are two basic schools of thought when it comes to Object Oriented Programming: the method based Simula and the message based Smalltalk. The Simula school is well represented in .NET by C# and VB. With Alan Lovejoy’s Essence#, we can see what a Smalltalk inspired language would look like on the CLR.
GS Collections by Example – Part 2
Donald Raab, creator of GS Collections, open sourced by Goldman Sachs in 2012, continues to explore more examples from that powerful framework
GS Collections by Example – Part 1
Donald Raab, creator of GS Collections, open sourced by Goldman Sachs in 2012, reveals the power of that framework, and how together with Lambda expressions, it sprinkles Java with some of the sparkle of Smalltalk.
How Would You Build Up a City from Components?
Aliaksei Papou explores how components and common design patterns such as the Observer and Finite State Machine make it possible to design an application such that it can grow and change according to your needs using the analogy of a house.
Interview: Russ Olsen on "Eloquent Ruby"
The book "Eloquent Ruby" aims to help Ruby programmers to write idiomatic Ruby and make best use of Ruby's capabilities. InfoQ talked to author Russ Olsen about Ruby style, metaprogramming and more.
Ruby's Roots: Smalltalk Comeback and Randal Schwartz on Smalltalk
Smalltalk, a language that has had a big influence on Ruby, is making a comeback. We take a look at the current situation and talk to Randal L. Schwartz about Smalltalk.