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InfoQ Homepage Software Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Introducing the Tellurium Automated Testing Framework

    Jian Fang describes the The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework he created which features a novel approach to automated, referred to as a UI module, to try and improve the often brittle state of automated web UI testing code.

  • A Tester's Learning Journey

    The software industry is changing fast. More and more teams put testing up front and center; they use tests to drive development. In this article, Lisa Crispin talks about how her attitude and curiosity have shaped her career and kept her passion for testing software fresh.

  • Excerpts from an Interview with James Bach

    Following are the most relevant excerpts from the interview with James Bach at Oredev 2008. He covers topics like: engineering, why we should be telling success stories, opening our minds to other scientific domains, automated testing and exploratory testing.

  • Book Excerpt and Interview: Dependency Injection

    Dependency Injection by Dhanji R. Prasanna is a book that tries to explore the DI idiom in detail, and present techniques in Spring and Guice. Dhanji is a Google software engineer who works on Google Wave and also contributes to Guice, MVEL, and other open source projects.

  • Layered Architecture for Test Automation

    In test automation, code involved in testing is not only test logic, but also a bunch of other supporting code, like URL concatenation, XML parsing, UI, etc. Test logic can be buried in this unrelated code, which has nothing to do with test logic itself, making test code hard to read and maintain. In this article, the layered architecture of test automation is presented to solve this problem.

  • Refactoring Automated Functional Test Scripts with iTest2

    In programming world, refactoring has become a highly frequent used word among programmers. Programmers make code more readable and design more. IDEs come with support for various refactorings. Testers who develop or maintain automated test scripts usually do not have that kind of luxury, but share the same needs. ITest2 is a tool that brings refactoring to the testing community.

  • FlexMonkey brings unit testing to Flex user interface developers

    This article explores how Gorilla Logic's new, open source Flex user interface automation testing tool, FlexMonkey, can enhance the productivity of both developers and QA testers. FlexMonkey allows developers to incorporate user interface testing into unit test suites and continuous integration environments, and allows QA testers to expand those tests into comprehensive quality tests.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Hani Suleiman & Cedric Beust, "Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts" recently sat down with Hani Suleiman and Cédric Beust the authors of Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts to discuss the book and their thoughts about testing in general. InfoQ is also pleased to offer an excerpt from chapter 2 of the book, "Mocks and Stubs".

  • Software Testing With Spring Framework

    Srini & Kavitha Penchikala provide an overview of the support provided by Spring framework in the areas of unit and integration testing. I will use a sample loan processing web application to help the readers in implementing an Agile Testing framework in a typical Java EE application and how to use Spring test classes to test the application functionality.

  • Unit-Testing XML

    There are many occasions where software creates XML output: XML documents are used for data interchange between different applications, web application create (X)HTML output or respond to AJAX requests with XML, and this has to be tested as much as anything else. In this article, Stefan Bodewig explains how to perform those tests with the XMLUnit framework he has co-authored.

  • Testing Ajax Applications with Selenium

    The Selenium develompent team briefly introduces Selenium, a web acceptance testing tool, and shows how to test Ajax applications with waitForXxxx Selenium commands, as well as how to test a simple Ajax effect - an asynchronous text update - with Selenium.

  • Using Logging Seams for Legacy Code Unit Testing

    Using logging seams you can easily create unobtrusive unit tests around legacy classes, without needing to edit class logic as well as avoiding behavior changes.