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InfoQ Homepage Unit Testing Content on InfoQ

  • You’ve Completed Unit Testing; Your Testing has Just Begun

    Stopping testing your code when your unit tests all pass is like starting mass production of automobiles after testing the nuts and bolts. Integration testing guarantees that the collaboration of classes works. This article investigates some important techniques in integration testing.

  • Intro to .NET Unit & Integration Testing with SpecsFor

    Matt Honeycutt introduces SpecsFor, a .NET unit and integration test framework, explaining how to set it up, how to create the first tests, and provides a few hints on advanced usage scenarios.

  • Kevlin Henney on Worse is Better and Programming with GUTS

    At the recent Agile Singapore conference Kevlin Henney gave two talks focusing on the importance of simplicity in architecture and implementation and on programming with Good Unit Tests (GUTS). He spoke to InfoQ about the thinking behind his talks and how they can be implemented.

  • Book Review: Integration Testing from the Trenches

    In this important and thorough treatise “Integration Testing from the Trenches” Nicolas Frankel starts from basic definitions and develops the concepts of integration testing with a casual formalism that's intuitive and fun.

  • Custom Assertions in Java Tests

    Using so-called "matcher libraries" to implement custom assertions to make tests more readable and maintainable.

  • Quality Code - Book Review and Interview

    Quality Code book, authored by Stephen Vance, covers the different aspects of software development lifecycle with focus on delivering quality product. In the book, Stephen discusses the practices for supporting software craftsmanship testing. InfoQ spoke with the author about the book and the best practices for testing application code.

  • Refactoring Legacy Applications: A Case Study

    To refactor legacy code, the ideal is to have a suite of unit tests to prevent regressions. However it's not always that easy. This article describes a methodology to safely refactor legacy code.

  • Unit Testing Hadoop MapReduce Jobs With MRUnit, Mockito, & PowerMock

    Hadoop MapReduce jobs have a unique code architecture that raises interesting issues for test-driven development. In this article Michael Spicuzza provides a real-world example using MRUnit, Mockito, and PowerMock to solve these problems.

  • Why Testing Matters in Agile Projects

    Agile is changing the way we work together and the work that is done. Many think that the role of testing is dead, but I think it is growing and turning into an even better, rounder, more effective testing. The role of Testing will powerfully help redefine the way things are done and the order in which they are done for best results in agile.

  • The Day the QA Department Died

    The role of QA is changing. In the waterfall world, QA teams, siloed away from developers, are slow and costly. Unit testing passes the responsibility for software quality to the developers and leads to better code, reducing reliance on a separate QA department. Is unit testing a better way to ensure software quality – the ultimate goal of QA?

  • Tackling real-world unit testing problems

    All the information, books and tools are out there, just pick up NUnit, and you’re good to go, right? Not exactly. Even before deciding to start unit testing, we need to sift through real experience of others; good and bad, horror stories and miracles (“This one test saved me a week of work!”). Then, we take the plunge, and realize: There’s so much to learn!

  • Testing SQL Server Code with TST

    Automated Testing (unit/integration) is an integral part of any agile development process. However a project with significant logic housed in database code creates severe constraints to writing unit level tests, especially if it is large, complex and depend on data. We will explore the TST framework and a few ideas for writing and maintaining good tests for database code.