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InfoQ Homepage Vert.x Content on InfoQ

  • Tim Fox: What's new in Vert.x 2.0

    In recent years, new trends like mobile clients and social networks forced web applications to handle more and more concurrent connections. This resulted in new server architectures based on eventing and asynchronicity which you can find for example in Vert.x. Tim Fox told InfoQ what's new in version 2.0 of Vert.x.

  • High-Volume / Scalable Architectures with vert.x - interview with Eberhard Wolff

    Last year, vert.x was introduced - a runtime similar to Node.js but realized within the Java virtual machine. In contrast to Node.js, vert.x follows a true polyglot approach and allows developers to build their systems with JavaScript, Groovy, Java, and other languages.