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  • Differing Opinions: DTOs vs Domain Objects

    Since the introduction of NHibernate and WCF, .NET developers have been moving closer and closer to the concept of unified entity-models. The end game here is that the same class can be act as your ORM entity, your WCF DTO, and your model for a MVC, MVP, or MVVM framework. Mark Seemann, author of Dependency Injection in .NET, argues this isn’t necessarily a good thing.

  • Carlos Figueira Explains WCF Extensibility

    Windows Communication Foundation offers an amazing variety of extension points but due to limited documentation most developers treat it as a black box. Carlos Figueira intends to change this with a series of articles on WCF Extensibility with real world examples.

  • WCF Web APIs

    Most developers first use WCF as a way to expose SOAP-based Web Services. But despite the name, Web Services are not really well suited for building web sites. XML and JSON-based REST services are simply a better fit for most projects. Microsoft has recognized this and is working on a project to bring WCF up to date with modern standards.

  • The Future of WCF Is RESTful [Updated]

    Glenn Block, a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Program Manager, said during an online webinar entitled “WCF, Evolving for the Web” that Microsoft’s framework for building service-oriented applications is going to be refactored radically, the new architecture being centered around HTTP.

  • Advanced Scenarios for LightSwitch

    LightSwitch brings together a number of technologies including Silverlight, Managed Extensibility Framework, and WCF RIA Services. If LightSwitch becomes popular, developers who understand these technologies will have a significant advantage over those who simply wire forms together using the design surfaces.

  • Series On Available Authentication Mechanisms For OData Services And Clients

    The WCF Data Services Team have recently been doing a series on the available authentication mechanisms for client/OData service authentication.

  • .NET and Azure Samples Showcase .NET Technologies Used in a Layered Architecture

    Serena Yeoh, a Microsoft consultant and a contributor to Microsoft pattern&practices Application Architecture Guide, has created a Layered Architecture Sample for .NET 4.0 which was later ported to Azure, showcasing various .NET technologies (WPF, WCF, WF, ASP.NET, ADO.NET EF) used in an architecture based on the Layered Architecture design pattern.

  • Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 Brings Tools for WPF Developers Too

    Silverlight 4 was released back in April without essential development tools.Recently it was announced that Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 is ready. In addition to basic Silverlight 4 support and templates for RIA Services, there are many IDE enhancements to make working with Silverlight, WPF, and XAML easier.

  • Hyper-communication in Silverlight 4

    For better bi-directional communication, a new communication protocol, Net.TCP, was introduced since .NET Framework 3.0 as part of WCF. Net.TCP is now available in the coming Silverlight 4 improving the throughput and the number of connections many times compared to HTTP Polling Duplex.

  • How Relevant Is Contract First Development Using Angle Brackets?

    Christian Weyer of Thinktecture, announced the release of a Visual Studio Add-in that enables contract first development of web services using WCF.

  • Dynamic Endpoint Discovery for WCF 4.0

    In a disaster and recovery scenario, you don’t want to waste time with your client applications trying to get them to hooked up to the backup server. You just want them to find the active server and just use it. With WCF 4.0 and dynamic endpoint discovery, that becomes possible.

  • New Version Of Microsoft Managed Services Engine Released

    Microsoft Released the May 2009 CTP of the Managed Services Engine (MSE) with source code that is available at Codeplex. The CTP is minor update to the February Beta release.

  • The Problems with WCF and the Using Block

    The WCF Client code violates two of the core principals of .NET API design; calling Close should actually close the connection and calling Dispose should never throw an exception. We look at how this came to be and at some available workarounds.

  • CSLA .NET 3.6 Supports Silverlight 2.0

    The Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture for .NET (CSLA .NET) version 3.6 has been released including support for Microsoft Silverlight 2.0. CSLA .NET is a .NET software development framework which helps one to “build a powerful, maintainable business logic layer for Windows, Web, service-oriented and workflow applications”.

  • WCF and Information Disclosure Threats

    Anil John writes about Information Disclosure Threats and Web Services. In his article he delves into the details of how potential attackers use to prepare their attacks and how some common web service practices ‘support’ these threats.