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  • Tech Stories Need to Include People and Technology

    Brian Marick, reflecting on conversations heard at Agile2006, blogged about his concern that some of us are telling stories from the purely human or social viewpoint, while other are telling technology-only stories, noting that that XP isn't a story you can tell well without talking about both of these. Marick encourages us to include both when we communicate in and about projects.

  • Agile, Orthodoxy and a Message From God

    A long and complex thread on the ScrumDevelopment list, set off by the phrase "Agile 2.0," has been exploring the past and future of Agile methodologies (for good or ill) including so-called "next generations" approaches like AUP, MSF Agile, and AMDD. Ron Jeffries, Ken Schwaber and Scott Ambler are just a few of the serious agilists who participated in this lively conversation.

  • Microsoft Counting On Scrum and XP

    When Microsoft launched SQL Server 2005 last fall, ending a five-year wait for major revisions, Steve Ballmer acknowledged "It's been a bit long in the making, we're committed to a much closer cycle time."eWeek reports that they will do this using agile development methodologies, such as XP and Scrum. Yet they won't mandate methodology, stressing product quality instead to encourage improvement

  • Patterns for Daily Stand-up Meetings Published

    Jason Yip has published "It's not just standing up", Patterns for Daily Standups on Martin Fowler's Bliki. In the article he discusses the benefits and consequences of common practices for daily stand-ups. The patterns are intended to help direct the experimentation and adjustment of new practitioners as well as provide points of reflection to experienced practitioners.

  • "Agile Practice" Patterns Wiki is Up

    At XP2006, Amr Elssamadisy announced a new wiki site for collecting Agile Practice Patterns. Well, it's up and ready to go, already loaded with patterns from ChiliPlop 2006 and XP 2006 conferences.

  • SirsiDynix Case Study: Jeff Sutherland on Highly Productive Distributed Scrum

    Scrum co-creator Jeff Sutherland has just finished a paper on the SirsiDynix project, which he calls the most productive large Java project ever documented. The project used Distributed Scrum and some XP practices. Although distributed teams are often expected to experience reduced productivity, this team's productivity level matched that measured by Cohn on a co-located team!

  • Anderson's "Agile Management" Reviewed

    Stick Minds has posted two reviews of David Anderson's "Agile Management for Software Engineering: Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results", in which Anderson combines TOC and Agile approaches. The book targets senior IT executives, project managers, development managers, and team leads. Do manufacturing metrics really enhance Agile software development? Apparently the jury is out.

  • Fun: The Truth about Scrum Revealed

    High Moon Studios, perhaps best known for their DarkWatch console game, uses the Scrum methodology to get things done. They've put out a passionate (if violent) 90-second video that tells the truth (and a little fiction) about working the Agile way.

  • Agile vs. Formal Methods

    Should you adopt an agile method or a more formal one? Which is right for you? Perhaps you should mix and match?

  • Are Traditional Project Managers De-Agilizing Projects?

    David Nicolette fears that it is all too common to see agile teams have a traditional manager thrust upon them who doesn't understand agile and thereby harms the project through over control.

  • Using Agile Processes and Modeling To Build Enterprise Applications

    The traditional approach of doing big requirements up front (BRUF) or big design up front (BDUF) results in significant wastage which can cause many software developments projects to be challenged and/or fail entirely. The article shows how to apply Agile Modeling (AM) practices when building enterprise Java applications.