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InfoQ Homepage Agile Architecture Content on InfoQ

  • Practicing Agility in Application Architecture

    Microsoft has published a How-To Design Using Agile Architecture guide under patterns & practices providing detailed guidelines to follow when architecting an application, the Agile way.

  • SOA Governance Revisited

    Despite increased adoption, many of the SOA projects are still failing Things are often getting so bad that in a recent SOA was called "Dead on Arrival". One of the ways to improve this situation is proper SOA governance.

  • What Social Networks Are Teaching Us About Data Portability

    As more social networking sites are popping up, the questions around the data they keep are rising. Data portability has become the watch phrase across the Web 2.0 world. Is there something to be learned about data access and portability from these services?

  • Lessons for the Agile Community from 8aweek

    InfoQ recently had the opportunity to ask 8aweek co-founders Dave Fowler and Zachary Garbow some questions about how they connect with users, prioritize work, and get things done.

  • MomentumSI Releases new SOA Framework

    MomentumSI released yesterday its SOA Framework -Harmony. It contains 5 perspectives which include Lifecycle, Governance, Technology, Maturity Model and Information Model. A SOA Framework is typically used to structure the organization, processes, activities, metadata... deployed for service construction.

  • Pragmatic is the new black - Reality Driven Development

    Taking an empirical approach, Reality Driven Development promotes the idea of rigorous experimentation as a way to improve the user experience and technical qualities of software development.

  • Are You An Agile Architect?

    Vikas Hazrati recently posted an article on Agile Journal, defining his ideal characteristics of an Architect working in an Agile team, reflecting how the role of Architect has changed in light of Agile practices.

  • Interview: Per Kroll on Agility and Discipline, RUP, Distributed Development

    Per Kroll is a director at Rational Software Corporation, where he's responsible for the development and management of the Rational Unified Process. In this interview, Per shares insights from his book 'Agility and Discipline', Agile practices for distributed development, how RUP is changing to support teams that want to customize it, and RUP vs. Agile.

  • Jeff De Luca, on FDD: Modeling, Code Ownership, Choosing an Agile Method

    In an interview with Stefan Roock, Jeff De Luca, who created and documented Feature Driven Development, discussed developing an overall model, code ownership, choosing an agile method, and more.

  • Reading List: Agility and Discipline Made Easy

    It's always interesting to check out what's at the top of your colleagues' reading pile... This week, it's a selection from the reading list of InfoQ's architect and co-founder, Alexander Popescu. Alex thought so much of this book, he recommends it to all team participants.

  • Opinion: Time for an Agile Certification Program

    Pete Behrens, trainer and organizational Agility consultant, recently blogged about the contentious topic of certification. He noted that both Scrum and FDD have 2-day basic certification programs, while "XP has remained silent on the topic," and called on the Agile community to begin looking at a true Agile Certification Process.

  • Agile, Orthodoxy and a Message From God

    A long and complex thread on the ScrumDevelopment list, set off by the phrase "Agile 2.0," has been exploring the past and future of Agile methodologies (for good or ill) including so-called "next generations" approaches like AUP, MSF Agile, and AMDD. Ron Jeffries, Ken Schwaber and Scott Ambler are just a few of the serious agilists who participated in this lively conversation.

  • SOA Integration and Methodologies

    Miko Matsumura interviews John Harby, an independent consultant, OASIS Techican Committee member and SOA practitioner on popular SOA implementation methodologies.

  • Should We Manage Both Features and Tasks?

    Although it keeps people busy, managing tasks is neither interesting nor useful. Managing value created provides greater leverage and greater risk management. Jon Kern blogged last week on creating good features (rather than tasks) by focusing on value and testability. But do we sometimes need to manage tasks, too? David Anderson used the Theory of Constraints to back an unexpected answer.

  • IBM Updates Rational Toolset

    IBM announced today a host of new SOA tools which were launched at the Rational Software Development Conference 2006. These tools increasingly support governance through the lifecycle stages of design, development, deployment, testing and maintenance.