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  • Basho Data Platform Supports In-Memory Analytics, Caching, Search and Integration with NoSQL

    Basho Data Platform supports integration with NoSQL databases like Redis, in-memory analytics, caching, and search. Basho Technologies, the company behind Riak NoSQL database, announced in May, the availability of the data platform that can be used to deploy and manage Big Data, IoT and hybrid cloud applications.

  • Jetty 9.3 Celebrates 20th Anniversary, adds HTTP/2 Support

    On June 12, 2015, the Jetty Project released version 9.3 of their flagship open source embedded application server, that day being the 20th anniversary of the project's beginning. Features of the release include HTTP/2 server (and client) support, Java 8 as a minimum, more Java NIO integration and an overhauled scheduler. They also removed SPDY networking support and fixed over 400 bugs.

  • Stripe Open Sources Tools For Apache Hadoop

    Stripe, the internet payments infrastructure company recently announced open sourcing a set of internally developed tools based on Apache Hadoop.Timberlake, Brushfire, Sequins and Herringbone all contribute to enriching the available tools for building an Apache Hadoop stack.

  • GridGain Becomes Apache Ignite

    GridGain's In-Memory Data Fabric entered Apache Incubator last October under the name of Apache Ignite. The company donated its flagship in-memory computing platform to the Apache Software Foundation with the intention of attracting external developers and growing a viable community around its core technology.

  • Mahout to Get Self-Optimizing Matrix Algebra Interface with Pluggable Backends for Spark and Flink

    At the recent GOTO conference in Berlin, Mahout committer Sebastian Schelter outlined recent advances in Mahout's ongoing effort to create a scalable foundation for data analysis that is as easy to use as R or Python.

  • Docker + Apache Brooklyn = Clocker

    Clocker, an open source project, enables users to manage and auto-scale Docker containers, in a cloud-agnostic manner. The project is built on top of Apache Brooklyn, a multi-cloud application, management software.

  • Community the Focus at ApacheCON NA 2014

    This year's ApacheCON North America conference saw key speakers focus on open source and its community. With more than 400 attendees, over 70 projects represented and 180 conference sessions it covered as many diverse topics as diverse the Apache Software Foundation projects are.

  • Apache Subversion to Migrate to Git

    Today, Greg Stein, founder of the Apache Subversion project, raised a request to migrate the Subversion codebase to Git. More controversial than the decision itself was the way that the decision was made, by the PMC on the private mailing list. Read on to find out what happened and what the current state is.

  • Spark Officially Graduates From Apache Incubator

    Recently, Spark graduated from the Apache incubator. Spark claims up to 100x speed improvements over Apache Hadoop over in-memory datasets and gracefully falling back to 10x speed improvement for on-disk performance. Based on Scala, it can run SQL queries and be used directly in R. It provides Machine Learning, Graph database capabilities and other further discussed in the article.

  • Apache Kafka - A Different Kind of Messaging System

    Apache has released Kafka 0.8, the first major release of Kafka since becoming an Apache Software Foundation top level project. Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging implemented as a distributed commit log, suitable for both offline and online message consumption. It is a messaging system initially developed at LinkedIn for collecting and delivering high volumes of event and log data.

  • WSO2 Donates Stratos to the Apache Foundation

    Apache Stratos has entered incubation with contributors from Cisco, NASA, Citrix and Engine Yard, among others. WSO2 still keeps their open source middleware under their control.

  • IBM Mobile First- MBaaS, Big Data and Then Some for Enterprise

    IBM has assembled a comprehensive portfolio of applications whereby enterprises can catch up to today’s current mobile computing trends. Mobile First is designed to enable enterprise to get their share of the billions of dollars that the firm maintains is being left on the table by the organizations that are not gearing up for this trend.

  • Struts 1 Reaches End Of Life

    Struts 1, the venerable Java MVC Web framework, has reached End Of Life status, the Apache foundation has announced. In a sense, the move simply formalises what has already happened, as the Struts team have focused their efforts on version 2; the last release of Struts 1 was in December 2008. The change of status does mean that no further security patches or bug fixes will be issued.

  • DataStax Brings Enterprise Security To Cassandra, Hadoop, Solr

    Datastax Enterprise 3.0 was announced last month with several Enterprise security features for a cluster using Cassandra, Hadoop and Solr. InfoQ caught up with Robin Schumacher, VP of Products at DataStax to learn more.

  • Apache Isis: Java Framework for Domain-Driven Design

    Apache has released Apache Isis, a Java framework for rapidly developing domain-driven applications. Users focus on developing domain objects and Apache Isis takes care of persistence, security and the user interface. Apache Isis became an Apache top-level project in October 2012 and version 1.0 was released on December 2012.