InfoQ Homepage Code Reviews Content on InfoQ
Improving the Quality of Incoming Code
Naresh Jain shares his experience of using PRRiskAdvisor to gradually educate and influence developers to write better code and also help the code reviewer to be more effective at their reviews.
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop
Matthew Philip introduces the service-delivery review as a feedback forum, explaining the basics of how to conduct a service-delivery review and the benefits, as well as typical fitness metrics.
Write Code for the Future You
Paul Gower discusses what it means to improve the quality of the code and offers practical advice towards improving it every day.
Growing A Development Team’s Process Guided by Tests
Orta Therox introduces Danger, a tool for automating a team's conventions surrounding code review.
Making the Case for Review
Austin Bingham answers questions on reviews: how long should they be, what should be reviewed, how do reviews account for an increase in quality and ROI?
Implementing Agile Code Reviews
Olivier Gourment explains, step by step, how any team or organization can adopt Agile code reviews which are known to reduce the costs of defect fixing by half.
The Art of Reviewing Code
Arjan van Leeuwen overviews code reviews advantages and disadvantages, how much can be done in a code review, types of critiques, how to handle critiques and conflicts that might arise from them.
Automating (almost) Everything Using Git, Gerrit, Hudson and Mylyn
Ryan Slobojan discusses how to perform issue tracking, code review, commits and builds in an automated manner by integrating Git, Gerrit, Hudson and Mylyn.
Five Static Code Audits Every Developer Should Know and Use
Mike Rozlog discusses the need for software audits, proposing five code reviews that every developer should use: Numerical Literal, String Literal, god Method, Shotgun Surgery and Duplicate Code.
Scrub & Spin: Stealth Use of Formal Methods in Software Development
Gerard Holzmann discusses Spin, a design analyzer tool, and Scrub, a code review tool, used by Jet Propulsion Laboratory to analyze and fix the software used for solar system exploration missions.
Controlling Your Architecture
Magnus Robertsson shows how to control the code architecture to avoid an architectural drift leading to a big-ball-of-mud: peer review, code analysis, and zero tolerance to warnings and errors.
Testing is Overrated
In this talk from RubyFringe, Luke Francl asks: is developer-driven testing really the best way to find software defects? Or is the emphasis on testing and test coverage barking up the wrong tree?