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InfoQ Homepage DSLs Content on InfoQ

  • Adobe Released Puppet Recipes for Hadoop

    Recently Adobe released Puppet recipes that they are using to automate Hadoop/HBase deployments to the community. InfoQ spoke with Luke Kanies, founder of PuppetLabs, to learn more about what this means.

  • Sass 3 Delivers CSS Compatibility, Selector Inheritance

    Haml/Sass 3 is nearing its final release, anticipated on May 10, with the addition of CSS-like brace syntax to Sass as a principal feature.

  • Puppet: Ruby-based Server Management Automation Suite

    The team at Reductive Labs recently announced the release of version 0.25.2 of Puppet, the open source Ruby-based configuration management and automation tool for Linux and Unix servers. In this software bug-fix release, 123 open tickets were closed, and the developers claim a reduced memory footprint, improved error reporting, threading, and lock contention (a source of reported system hangs).

  • DRYer CSS with LESS or Sass

    LESS and Sass are Ruby tools that allow to reduce redundancy in CSS files by introducing variables, mixins, and other time proven language features into CSS. We take a look at how the two tools work and what they offer.

  • Presentation: Three Years of Real-World Ruby

    Martin Fowler talks about ThoughtWorks's experience with using Ruby on client projects for the past three years, and the creation of a Ruby-based product 'Mingle'.

  • Article: Metamodel Oriented Programming

    In this article, Jean-Jacques Dubray questions the belief that code and models are two separate worlds. He presents a unified view of Model Driven Engineering, Architecture and Programming models based on a novel approach to specify execution element semantics in DSLs.

  • Presentation: The State of the DSL Art in Ruby

    In this talk Glenn Vanderburg discusses what the Ruby community has learned about building DSLs, and shows how to build state-of-the-art DSLs without going overboard.

  • Language Workbenches May Ultimately Completely Change the Way We Do Programming

    After many years in development, Intentional Software has finally released their Intentional Domain Workbench (IDW). JetBrains has open sourced their Meta Programming System (MPS), currently in Beta 2.

  • Article: Developing a Complex External DSL

    In this article Vaughn Vernon explains the difference between internal and external DSLs and shows the steps involved in developing a complex external DSL.

  • MountainWest RubyConf 2009 Videos

    MountainWest RubyConf took place from 13-14 March in Salt Lake City. All talks are available from Confreaks; we picked some interesting ones – Rails 3 and Merb, DSL design, usability on Rails, Vertebra – and give a coarse summary and some pointers into the talks.

  • Presentation: Domain Expert DSLs

    In this presentation recoded during QCon London 2008, Magnus Christerson discusses about the importance of using DSLs which allow business experts to freely express their knowledge about their domain using familiar tools. Henk Kolk presents a concrete example addressing pension fund issues and based on a DSL.

  • Article: RGen: Ruby Modeling and Code Generation Framework

    This article introduces RGen, a modeling framework inspired by openArchitectureWare and technologies like the Eclipse's EMF. RGen uses internal DSLs for defining metamodels and offers a full modeling stack for Ruby.

  • JetBrains Meta Programming System Supports Language Oriented Programming and DSLs

    Meta Programming System (MPS), a new Language Oriented Programming tool from JetBrains, allows the developers to extend programming languages as well as create Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) for enterprise applications. JetBrains development team recently announced the release of beta version of MPS software.

  • Article: Writing A Texual DSL Using 'OSLO'

    As key part the Oslo tools is a language for modeling textual DSLs (MGrammar). This article is an an attempt to try and use MGrammar to write a small parser that can interpret dates expressed in natural language.

  • External DSLs: Success and Failure Factors

    Given the growing interest in Domain Specific Languages, Michael Feathers provides some reflections on external DSLs, their advantages and pitfalls as well as possible success and failure factors that he believes to be function of far more than the technology.