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InfoQ Homepage Entity Framework Content on InfoQ

  • Stored Procedures and Entity Framework

    Much has been written on the topic of ORMs and its failings. Most of the objections fall into two categories: Separation of Concerns and Object Oriented Design. For the Entity Framework we have good news for one these.

  • Entity Framework Now Open Source

    Microsoft has announced that they are making the Entity Framework open source. The product will continue to be fully supported, with the same development team. They also announced the roadmap for EF6, which includes task-based Async and new features for Code First development.

  • Entity Framework 5 Sample Provider

    The EF team at Microsoft has announced a sample database Provider Entity Framework 5 for SQL Server, with support for some of the new EF features.

  • LLBLGen Pro 3.5 Adds OData and SQL Server 2012 Support, Designer Improvements

    Version 3.5 of the ORM tool LLBLGen Pro was released this week, and includes updates to Entity Framework and NHibernate functionality, designer improvements, and several updates to the runtime, such as support for OData and SQL Server 2012.

  • Microsoft Reports Significant Performance Improvements in Entity Framework 5

    Microsoft has announced that the upcoming Entity Framework 5 could potentially improve performance up to 67 percent. Developers using EF 4.0 should also see performance improvements just by upgrading to .NET Framework 4.5.

  • Most-Wanted Features in Entity Framework

    The EF team has setup a uservoice forum to let users request and vote for features. We are highlighting the current top 7 most-voted-for feature requests, along with possible workarounds you can use today.

  • Oracle Provider Gets EF Support

    Oracle has recently released Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) 11.2 Rel 4 with support for Entity Framework 4.1 and 4.2. This will allow .NET developers working with Oracle database to work with a popular ORM and use LINQ to Entities for data access operations instead of hand-coding the SQL statements. However Code First and DBContext API are not supported in this release.

  • Interview with Julie Lerman on Programming Entity Framework: Code First

    The dotNetMontreal community hosted a seminar by Julie Lerman on the Entity Framework Code First approach. Code First is essentially a new programming style for generating a database directly from code. Entity Framework enables developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application model instead of programming directly against a relational storage schema.

  • Code First Migrations Updates Data Structure From Code

    The Code First approach means that the object model is created in code, and then the database structure is generated from that model. Code First Migrations allows developers to make changes to the database via code, many of which can be done automatically.

  • Entity Framework 4.2 Released; Some Updates Awaiting .NET Framework 4.5

    Microsoft announced the final release of Entity Framework (EF) 4.2. While this update only contains one bug fix, it's interesting in the context of Microsoft's adoption of semantic versioning, and their attempt to separate EF from the .NET Framework.

  • Second Level Caching with Entity Framework

    Second Level Caching is one of the features that is not present out-of-the-box in Entity Framework. In an MSDN article “Second-Level Caching in the Entity Framework and AppFabric” Julie Lerman shows how to implement Second Level Caching with Entity Framework to take advantage of caching services like Microsoft AppFabric.

  • Entity Framework 4.1 - Validation

    Validation is an interesting feature introduced in Entity Framework 4.1. It enables to validate entities or their properties automatically before trying to save them to the database as well as “on demand” by using property annotations. There are also a lot of improvements made to Validation from CTP5 to RTW version of Entity Framework 4.1.