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  • Improving Quality and Delivery Speed with DevOps Teams

    You can increase the quality of products by constantly increasing the level of automation of the delivery process and working with DevOps teams who constantly deliver small features to get quick customer feedback. A case story from ING Lease explaining the problems they had, experiences from the first steps of their agile and DevOps journey and exploring what they want to achieve in the future.

  • Using Pairing for Experimenting in Presentations

    In the closing keynote of the Agile Eastern Europe 2015 conference Yves Hanoulle did an experiment together with his son Joppe in pair presenting. InfoQ interviewed Joppe and Yves Hanoulle about doing experiments, checking the safety of the environment and ways to make it safer, learning from failure, and presenting in pairs at conferences.

  • How To Build Trust When Working With Remote Teams

    Lisette Sutherland has been doing interviews with people that are working in or managing remote teams. She talked about building trust on remote teams at the No Pants Festival 2015.

  • How to Use Metrics to Influence an Agile Environment

    Larry Maccherone, a Data Scientist at Tasktop Technologies, gave a talk at QCon London 2015 regarding the importance of metrics usage and how they should influence important decisions in the organizations.

  • Artistic Parallels Between Making Music and Agile Testing

    Music can be used as a metaphor to illustrate learnings from agile and testing. Alexandra Schladebeck and Huib Schoots will do a live performance in their keynote “where words fail, music speaks” at the Agile Testing Day Netherlands 2015. An interview about artistic parallels between music and agile testing, what agile teams can learn from musicians, and feedback in agile software development.

  • Exercises for Leading Creative Collaboration

    Jens Hoffmann facilitated a workshop on leading creative collaboration to make ideas and people grow at the OOP 2015 conference. In his workshop he explored how we can lead ourselves and others. He did exercises with the attendants where they practiced collaboration, listening and using powerful questions.

  • Feedback Cycles in Scrum

    In agile software development feedback plays an important role. Many are aware how feedback supports dealing with changing requirements and adjusting the way of working in teams with retrospectives. But there is more that feedback can do in agile. “An effective feedback cycle in Scrum is more than having sprints and doing retrospectives” says Kris Philippaerts.

  • Q&A with Andreas Schliep on ScALeD – Scaled Agile and Lean Development

    The introduction and integration of agile approaches to an organization should be regarded and treated as an agile project itself says Andreas Schliep. An interview with Andreas about pitfalls when trying to scale agile, on ScALeD and how it compares to Agility Path, LeSS, SAFe and DaD, and on continuous improvement and scaling retrospectives.

  • Understanding People to Improve Collaboration in Teams

    Teams consist of individuals working together. Individuals have their own specific beliefs and perceptions. If you know where a person’s perceptions are coming from, you can better understand why they see things different than you do and behave in a certain way. Being able to understand people helps to find better ways to collaborate and communicate in teams.

  • Examples of Applying Metrics in Kanban

    Metrics are engrained in kanban. They play a role in several kanban practices like visualizing and managing flow, and support the agenda’s for sustainability, service orientation and survivability. At the Lean Kanban Central Europe 2014 Conference Wolfgang Wiedenroth talked about the power of metrics. In his presentation he provided may examples of using metrics with kanban.

  • Building Agile Relationships with Customers and End-Users

    Teams can become so focused that they forget the world around them and risk losing contact with stakeholders. This makes it difficult for them to know what their customers need and how end users will use their products. At the ASAS2014 conference Daisy Rasing-de Joode will show how successful agile teams create synergy by being interdependent and highly collaborative with their environment.

  • Nurturing a Culture for Continuous Learning

    Continuous learning supports agile adoption in enterprises. A culture change can be needed to enable and support continuous learning. There are several things that managers and agile coaches can do to establish and nurture a continuous learning culture.

  • Knowing if You Are Building the Right Product

    Developing and delivering products which customers don’t want and for which there is no market can be costly. Agile can help you to efficiently develop products, but you need to know what to build. How can you find out which products your customers need?

  • Active Participation of Product Owners in Sprint Retrospective

    Roman Pichler shared his views on product owner’s participation in sprint retrospective to increase collaboration with development team.

  • Replacing Orchestration by Autonomy to Speed Up the Software Delivery Cycle

    Software delivery in a modern company requires autonomy to make releasing software easy. Niek Bartholomeus gave the presentation orchestration in meatspace at the DevOps Summit in Amsterdam where he discussed how can we change enterprises from orchestration to a more autonomous approach, in order to speed up the feedback cycle from idea to production.