InfoQ Homepage GR8Conf 2013 Content on InfoQ
Web Clustering, Integration with Terracotta, Quartz & Grails 2
Ryan Vanderwerf explains setting up Terracotta and clustering an applications using Ehcache, HTTP Session in Tomcat, and Quartz.
Turtle Graphics in Groovy - Extending Groovy with DSL techniques
Jim Driscoll shows how to create Napili, a small program accepting user scripts to control a turtle using GroovyShell, the Binding, overriding behavior with set/getVariable and invokeMethod, and more.
Upgrading from Grails 1.X to 2.X : Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
Will Buck provides advice for those interested to upgrade their applications from Grails 1.x to 2.x.
Grails Functional Testing with Geb
Craig Atkinson presents using the Geb functional testing library for creating robust and readable tests with both JUnit and Spock, and configuring Geb for testing across multiple browsers.
Grails Transactions
Burt Beckwith discusses performing transactions in Grails, covering services, customizing transaction attributes (isolation, propagation levels), two-phase commit, using JMS, and testing the code.
Grails for Hipsters!
Rob Fletcher explains how to use Vert.x, WebSockets, continuous unit testing and headless end-to-end testing to create one-page applications in Grails.
GVM: An Example of BDD in Action
Marco Vermeulen showcases using BDD and Cucumber to develop GVM, an open source tool for managing parallel SDK versions.
Using Static Analysis with Grails
Jeff Beck shows how to use Codenarc, Cobertura, JSLint, and other tools to perform static analysis on Grails applications.
Building Grails-powered Responsive JavaScript Applications
Steve Pember discusses the architecture, the frameworks and Responsive Design principles to be employed while building a single-page JavaScript application., and why use Grails for that.
Node.js Tools For Your Grails Toolbox
Zan Thrash advises on using some of the Node.js tools in order to improve Grails development: lint, concat, minify, testing JavaScript files, etc.
BDD Using Cucumber JVM and Groovy
Marco Vermeulen explains using Cucumber and Groovy to apply BDD to a project, using Gherkin for writing scenarios, Groovy for step definitions, Spock for new features, and running Cucumber features.