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  • Inside IronRuby PreAlpha1

    This week at OSCON, John Lam of Microsoft released IronRuby to the masses and promised to host the source code on Rubyforge under the Microsoft Permissive License by the end of August. Infoq sent John several questions asking about futures and how the community could best particpate in the development of IronRuby.

  • Ruby.NET moves to open source community model

    The team of the (Gardens Point) Ruby.NET compiler announced that it'll start working towards opening their project to outside committers.

  • Ruby.NET 0.8 release

    While IronRuby will make its debut in late July 2007, another Ruby implementation for .NET has been available for a year: the Gardens Point Ruby.NET compiler. The project has an interesting relationship with IronRuby - it provides its parser. Its latest release adds improved interoperability with other .NET languages.

  • JRuby Team members doubtful about IronRuby

    Two members of the JRuby core team, Ola Bini and Charles O. Nutter, wonder whether Microsoft's IronRuby could possibly be a fully compliant Ruby implementation and run Rails, given Microsoft's policies. A viable alternative to IronRuby, the Ruby.NET compiler, is suggested.

  • IronRuby Release Planned for OSCON

    According to John Lam, the first public cut of IronRuby is slated to be released at OSCON in July.

  • ASP.NET Futures to Include Support for Ruby?

    The Microsoft website ASP.NET has released the May 2007 edition of ASP.NET Futures. This release demonstrates potential features for post-Orcas versions of ASP.NET including Sivlerlight controls and dynamic language support.

  • Google SoC Series: Creating RSpec specs for Ruby runtimes

    The number of Ruby implementations grows steadily, but something is missing: a Ruby specification. The behavior of the Ruby language and its standard libraries is defined in the code of the main Ruby implementation. Two Google SoC projects aim to fix this by creating executable RSpec specifications for Ruby. We caught up with Pedro Del Gallego who works on one of these projects.

  • Microsoft Surpasses Java's Dynamic Language Support?

    Microsoft's announcement of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) has caused quite a stir in many areas, also in the Java space. Many voices seem convinced that the DLR has given .NET a major head start over the JVM, because it solves many problems Java is only just starting to realize. We look at the current situation of dynamic language support and how it compares to the DLR.

  • Dynamic Language Runtime Announced

    Microsoft has announced that they are building an extension to the Common Language Runtime called the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). This extension is being designed to enable interoperability between dynamic languages in the same manner that the CLR enabled interoperability between statically typed languages.

  • Microsoft announces IronRuby

    Microsoft has just announced IronRuby at their MIX 07 conference. This also kicks off a bigger effort to support dynamic languages on .NET. Based on the experience gained in developing IronPython, a common Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) builds the foundation for IronRuby, IronPython, JavaScript (EcmaScript 3.0) and Visual Basic.