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InfoQ Homepage Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Starting Struts 2

    Within this book you will find everything you need to get up and running using Struts2 – from the architecture and configuration, to implementing actions and the supporting infrastructure such as validation and internationalization. Above all else, it focuses on the practical – with plenty of code and productivity tips to get you started using Struts2 today.

  • Agile Patterns: The Technical Cluster

    This book guides the reader on crafting their own agile adoption strategy focused on their business values and environment. This strategy is then directly tied to patterns of agile practice adoption that describe how many teams have successfully (and unsuccessfully) adopted them.

  • Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book

    The Humble Little Ruby Book covers the base syntax of the language, including working with values, flow control, and object oriented programming, into some of the library functionality of Ruby, such as databases, web services, and string manipulation.

  • Getting Started with Grails

    Grails is an open-source, rapid web application development framework that provides a super-productive full-stack programming model based on the Groovy scripting language and built on top of Spring, Hibernate, and other standard Java frameworks. Over the course of this book, the reader will explore the various aspects of Grails and also experience Grails by building a Grails app.

  • Domain Driven Design Quickly

    Domain Driven Design is a vision and approach for designing a domain model that reflects a deep understanding of the business domain. This book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD; it does not introduce any new concepts; it attempts to concisely summarize the essence of what DDD is, drawing mostly Eric Evans' book.

  • Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks

    Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks is a book explaining how to use VS.NET efficiently. Organized into short and easy-to-grasp sections, and containing tips and tricks on everything from editing and compiling to debugging and navigating within the VS.NET IDE, this book is a must-read for all .NET developers, regardless of expertise and whether they program in C#, VB.NET, or any other .NET language.

  • Java Transaction Design Strategies

    Java Transaction Design Strategies shows how to design an effective transaction management strategy using the transaction models provided by Java-based frameworks such as EJB and Spring. Local, programmatic, declarative, and XA models are explained; the book concludes with a set of design patterns show how to effecitvely use these models.