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InfoQ Homepage SQL Server Content on InfoQ

  • Visual Studio/SQL Server Reporting Services Continue to be Incompatible

    Despite years of complaining from developers and the mockery of vendors such as IBM, Microsoft is continuing its policy of shipping components of Visual Studio that are incompatible with the current version SQL Server Reporting Services.

  • Microsoft is Making a Play for MySQL Users

    Microsoft has released its first community tech preview for a MySQL to SQL Server migration tool. This tool supports SQL Server 2005, 2008, and Azure.

  • Quickly Migrate from SQL Server to SQL Azure

    In order to make migrating from SQL Server to SQL Azure easier, Microsoft is releasing a migration tool on CodePlex. The SQL Azure Migration Wizard will detect, and if possible, correct incompatibilities between SQL Server 2005/2008 and SQL Azure. In addition to generating scripts for deploying the migrated schema on SQL Azure, this tool will also allow you to migrate table data using BCP.

  • SQLAzureMW Migrates SQL Databases to SQL Azure

    The SQL Azure Migration Wizard (SQLAzureMW) is a CodePlex project and wizard that can be used to migrate SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 databases to SQL Azure.

  • MapPoint Add-In For SQL Server Released

    Microsoft released a free MapPoint 2009 Add-In for SQL Server 2008 spatial data. The add-in can be used with MapPoint to build map graphics against queries on SQL Server 2008 spatial geography columns.

  • Is the NoSQL Meeting Announcing the End of the RDBMS Era?

    The NoSQL meeting tried to raise the awareness towards the opportunity of using non-relational databases which promise to be cheaper, simpler to administer and maintain, and offering superior scalability. Michael Stonebraker, co-creator of Ingres and Postgres, thinks that the end of RDBMS era is close, while others think that we are not there yet.

  • What’s Next for SQL Server?

    As we reported last year, SQL Server 2008 R2 will support 256 logical processors. Other features include better multi-server management tools and geospatial visualization in Reporting Services 3. A preview of the new version is available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers. The general public will have access later this month.

  • SQL Enlight T-SQL Analyzer

    SQL Enlight is a tool designed to expedite and facilitate T-SQL development through code analysis and templating. SQL Enlight integrates into MS Visual Studio and SQL Management Studio.

  • SQL Server 2008 Major Updates

    Microsoft has released significant updates for SQL Server 2008, including 2008 Service Pack 1, Express Edition Service Pack 1, large Feature Pack, Upgrade Advisor, SRS Report Builder 2.0, SharePoint integration, and data mining Office add-ins.

  • MIX 09: Nigel Ellis on Azure SQL Data Services

    Nigel Ellis, Architect at Microsoft, presented today a detailed overview of the new relational model of Azure SQL Data Service, which was announced a couple of weeks ago on the team's blog. Nigel also demonstrated how SDS could be used by WordPress (a PHP application) via an ODBC driver.

  • Review: The Art of High Performance SQL Code

    It is one thing to look at the execution plan for SQL Server queries, it is quite another to know what they mean. Grant Fritchey’s book, The Art of High Performance SQL Code: Part 1 Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans, helps you get to that point.

  • Relational Cloud On the Horizon

    Microsoft has announced that SDS will deliver full relational database capabilities as a service. The core foundational components of SDS have not changed and it is still the same proven architecture of the current CTP. However, the ACE (Authority, Container, Entity) data model is being retired.

  • Static Code Analysis for T-SQL

    Static code analysis, long neglected on the Windows platform, has been becoming more and more import in the last few years. This hasn't gone unnoticed by database developers, who thanks to Ubitsoft can now analyze T-SQL just like .NET developers analyze managed code.

  • 256 Core SQL Server

    With Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server Kilimanjaro, it is expected that SQL Server will be able to support at least 256 logical processors.

  • Performance Problems Mar SQL Server 2008 Full Text Search

    SQL Server Full Ttext Search is a rather specialized discipline among database administrators. For roughly a decade it has been something separate from the rest of SQL Server, and in most cases unnecessary. But for those who do use it, it tends to be core to how data is indexed and retrieved. For those using it and upgrading to SQL Server 2008, trouble is brewing.