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  • OpenCompute and OpenStack Span Hardware and Software Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Solutions

    A number of announcements around open hardware specifications and open source cloud infrastructure and platform software solutions by collaborators in the OpenStack initiative were made in the past 2 weeks. How does all of them stack up together?

  • IBM’s Reference Architecture for Creating Cloud Environments [Updated]

    IBM has recently submitted the IBM Cloud Computing Reference Architecture 2.0 (CC RA) (.doc) to the Cloud Architecture Project of the Open Group, a document based on “real-world input from many cloud implementations across IBM” meant to provide guidelines for creating a cloud environment.Update: interview with Heather Kreger, one of the authors of Cloud Computing Reference Architecture.

  • GigaSpaces Announces Upcoming Release of It's Second-Generation Cloud-Enablement Platform

    GigaSpaces announced the launch of its Cloud-enabled Application Platform for Enterprise PaaS & ISV SaaS Enablement at CloudConnect on Monday, March 7. InfoQ caught up with the GigaSpaces team to take a closer look.

  • NIST Cloud Computing Twiki Launched

    Today NIST began sending users their credentials for their Cloud Computing twiki, of which Kevin Jackson was one of the first to be granted access. The intent of the NIST working group is to promote cloud computing adoption and overcome the current percieved barriers of security, interoperability and portability.

  • Cloud Computing Trends in 2011

    As the new year is about to begin, research analysts have been peering into their crystal balls the last several months to define the top trends in cloud computing. Cloud Computing has moved from buzzword and hype to the real technology in the last 3 years. What do InfoQ readers think?

  • Measuring and Comparing the Performance of 5 Cloud Platforms

    Bitcurrent and Webmetrics have run a number of tests for a month on 5 different cloud platforms - Amazon, Google, Rackspace,, and Terremark -, attempting to measure the performance of each platform. One of their conclusions is that each platform works better for different application types.

  • OSGi Enterprise Spec 4.2 released

    <p>Today, the OSGi Alliance announced the release of the Enterprise OSGi 4.2 specification, along with the corresponding JavaDoc. Read on to find out what's new in the enterprise spec.</p>

  • SOA in a Nutshell

    A new JP Morgenthal’s post “The Busy Executive’s Service Oriented Architecture Reference Guide” is a great starting point for gaining a quick understanding of what SOA is without getting too deep into technology jargon and hype.

  • Microsoft Closes Down Silverlight Streaming

    Microsoft has closed its two-year-old hosting service, Silverlight Streaming. Existing videos can still be retrieved for the time being, but new ones can no longer be uploaded. They have also discontinued the related publishing plug-in for Expression Encoder.

  • NewRelic RPM 2 Adds Java Support for Performance Monitoring

    NewRelic just released RPM 2, the latest version of their performance monitoring software. RPM, which is available as SaaS (Software as a Service) now supports monitoring Java web/JEE applications as well as Ruby on Rails applications. We talked to NewRelic's Lew Cirne about the new release.

  • Web Services as an Alternative to Copy-Protected Software

    Microsoft has released an API for generating Tags, their new barcode technology. But unlike most commercial libraries, there are no attempts at copy-protection. Instead, the library is only available as a web service.

  • Is SOA Still Dead?

    Anne Thomas Manes continues blogging about SOA being dead, citing slowing software spends and SOA software infrastructure sales while other specialists blame the economy and people’s approach to SOA.

  • Presentation: Building a Large Scale SaaS Application

    Dan Hanley, of Magus, discusses design principles, architectures and infrastructure of the SaaS frameworks used by Magus to rapidly develop and deploy large-scale, web-based, applications for clients. Along the way he discusses the components of their technology stack and the evolution of their methodology.

  • Panel: Virtual Panel on Cloud Computing

    In this virtual panel, InfoQ wants to find out from leading cloud experts what are the benefits brought by cloud computing as well as the constraints in using them, what is better to use, a public or a private cloud, is the cloud interoperability needed, what is the difference between providing infrastructure or a platform, and how can a client enforce regulatory compliance.

  • Interview: Miko Matsumura on AlignSpace

    In this interview, Miki Matsumura, Deputy CTO of Software AG, introduces a new collaborative platform for business process practitioners: AlignSpace. He explains that middleware is just one part of the equation when it comes to integration projects, he sees a lot of value coming from enabling people to collaborate more efficiently.