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The Private Cloud: Amazon, Google, ... and You!
Jon Brisbin tells how his company created a private cloud based on vSphere, tcServer, RabbitMQ, and REST, underlining the advantages brought by virtualization, parallelism, and asynchronicity.
Modular Web Applications with OSGi and the RFC66 Web Container
In this presentation from SpringOne 2009, Rob Harrop provides a tutorial on creating effective modular web applications for OSGi and the RFC66 Web Container.
What’s New in dm Server 2.0?
New in dm Server 2.0: web bundles, SLF4J/LogBack, plan files, Integrated ConfigAdmin, remote repo for dynamic bundle download, improved admin console, SSH-enabled console, unified user/pass store.
Building Modular Web Applications with OSGi
Rob Harrop discusses OSGi in the enterprise, modularity in OSGi, the split packages problem, Bundlor, OSGi bundle usage, RFC 66, dm Server, OSGi services, and building an OSGi-based Spring MVC webapp.
Case Study: RESTful Web Services at Orbitz
Alex Antonov explains why Orbitz needed to ditch Jini in favor of REST and Protocol Buffers. Most of the presentation contains a demo of a sample application using these technologies.
What's New in SpringSource Tool Suite
Christian Dupuis discusses the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), STS features, demos of STS, Groovy/Grails, Spring 3.0, REST, Spring Roo, Cloud Foundry, tc Server, dm Server, VMWare, and the STS roadmap.
Keynote: The Future of Java Innovation
Rod Johnson believes Java will continue to evolve outside of Sun as it has done lately. As proof he mentions SpringSource's latest contributions: Grails, Roo, free STS, tc Server and dm Server.
Introduction to SpringSource dm Server
Rod Johnson introduces the dm Server by taking a high-level look at it, trying to clear up some misconceptions about what dm Server is, and showing some of the internal workings of the server.