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InfoQ Homepage AJAX Content on InfoQ

  • Early Draft released for JavaServer Faces 2.0 - Improved Interoperability for JavaScript Libraries

    The early draft for JSR 314 has been released under the Java Community Process Program. It is an update of the JavaServer Faces specification to version 2.0. This next generation of JSF is an attempt to bring the best ideas in web application development to the Java EE platform and is already receiving positive feedback from the community, especially because of its improved AJAX support.

  • Google App Engine Load Test Result

    The result of the Google Web Toolkit on Google App Engine load test: The load was 10 reqs/sec for an hour, and 35 reqs/sec at peak. The result? No sweat.

  • Accessibility Remains a Concern with Web 2.0 Applications

    Making sure your website is accessible is both an important business and legal issue. Progressive enhancement and the ARIA specification can assist in addressing these concerns.

  • Backbase 4.2 Includes New Data Services and Spring MVC Connector Among Its Features

    Backbase released version 4.2 of their Enterprise Ajax for Java framework just over a week ago. This new release offers Java developers a complete AJAX platform with baked-in support for many of the frameworks they currently use, including Struts, Spring MVC and Java Server Faces.

  • Google App Engine public load test today

    Today, at 4PM GMT+2 (in about an hour), there is a public load test on the Google App Toolkit. Can Google Web Toolkit and Google App Engine handle the InfoQ effect?

  • John Resig Speaks on Future Directions for jQuery and Javascript

    jQuery creator and Mozilla Javascript Evangelist John Resig recently posted a video presentation outlining future release plans for the jQuery project and highlighting some exciting new Javascript features that will be coming soon to browsers.

  • ExtJS Licensing Continues to Evolve as a Result of Controversal Switch from LGPL to GPLv3

    Jack Slocum, lead developer of the popular Javascript library ExtJS, announced this week a community effort to develop two new exceptions for open source software developed using ExtJS 2.1 or greater. This move came as a response to frustration and confusion surrounding recent changes in the Ext JS licensing model from LGPL to GPLv3.

  • Presentation: The Overlooked Power of Javascript

    In this presentation from JAOO 2007, Glenn Vanderburg takes look at Javascript, where it came from and how powerful it actually is. After a look at the resurgence of Javascript for the browser and Flash, powerful libraries like jQuery or Prototype are introduced.

  • New Thin Server Architecture and SOFEA Working Group Web Site Launched

    Peter Svensson, Ganesh Prasad, and Mario Valente have teamed up to create the Thin Server Architecture Working Group and launched a web site. The site included several resources about Thin Server Architecture and Service Oriented Front End Applications (SOFEA) as well as insight into the philosophy behind the technology.

  • What Will it Take to Transition from Desktop-Based Application to Cloud-Based Applications?

    Cloud-based applications are everywhere these days (Enterprise, Office Suites, Groupware, Business Intelligence...), while technologies like Google Gears, Mozilla Prizm, Fluid, S3... are creating an environment where it will be hard to know which is which.

  • Stephan Janssen On And The RIA Landscape sat down with Stephan Janssen to learn about and ask his perspective on the emerging RIA platforms. Stephan is the founder of the JavaPolis conference held annually in Belgium. JavaPolis is currently the second largest Java conference, behind only JavaOne.

  • OASIS Symposium: Composability within SOA

    OASIS is going to hold a 3 day symposium on the topic of "Composability within SOA" in Santa Clara, CA from April 28th to April 30th. Engineers and Scientists from vendors and end-user companies will discuss topics including mashups, Service-Oriented Ajax, SCA, BPEL, SDO, BPM, Web Service Transactions, Data Security in SOA, SOA Reference Architecture...

  • Interview: Joe Walker about DWR 3.0

    InfoQ had the opportunity to talk with the <a href="">DWR</a> (Direct Web Remoting) project lead <a href="" title="Joe Walker's Blog">Joe Walker</a>. He discussed the upcoming release of DWR 3.0 including major features, helpful features and fixes for developers, a time line and a look at the future of DWR.

  • GWT-Ext 2.0 Released: An Interview with Sanjiv Jivan

    GWT-Ext 2.0 was released on February 6th, integrating with GWT 1.4 and ExtJS 2.0. Changes in the 2.0 release include performance improvements, a unified component model, new layout management APIs, and several new widgets.

  • Studying JavaScript Performance

    Performance issues can always be an unexpected gotcha when developing your latest and greatest web 2.0 application, and a lot of times performance problems surface through the most benign of operations. Recently Coach Wei has taken the task of doing a quick study of the cost of many different Javascript operations as well as the differences in performance across browsers.