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  • Updated Web Essentials for Visual Studio 2012 Adds TypeScript Support

    Web Essentials, the extension introduced to add better CSS support to Visual Studio, has recently been updated with new tools for Visual Studio 2012, including support for TypeScript. It also includes automatic downloads of new schema files, so that HTML5 and CSS validation will always be up to date.

  • Twitter Open Sources Clutch

    Clutch enables developers to write hybrid applications for iOS and to run A/B test experiments on iOS and Android devices.

  • ASP.NET to Add Support for LESS and CoffeeScript

    The ASP.NET roadmap has been updated with their post-VS 2012 plans. The next set of features will focus on OData functionality and new/updated templates for MVC. Editor support for LESS and CoffeeScript is also in the works.

  • WebMatrix 2: New Templates, Improved Intellisense, Windows Azure Integration

    WebMatrix 2 is a free development tool developed by Microsoft that enables developers to create ASP.NET, PHP based applications easily. WebMatrix 2 includes new templates, improved intellisense with support for Windows Azure.

  • Embarcadero Updates Delphi and C++ Builder, Launches HTML5 Builder

    Embarcadero Technologies launched a major overhaul of its development tools line that includes RAD Studio XE3, Delphi XE3 and C++Builder XE3. The company also launched HTML5 Builder for Mobile and Web app developers. InfoQ spoke with John Thomas, Director of Product Management at Embarcadero.

  • PhoneGap 2.0 – One Framework, Many Platforms

    Adobe Systems has recently released PhoneGap 2.0. PhoneGap provides the ability to build applications for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Palm WebOS, Samsung Bada and Symbian. PhoneGap 2.0 includes support for Cordova WebView, which enables developers to wrap a web application as a native app by using the browser control available in all the mobile platforms.

  • Rich page layout with HTML and CSS3

    Adobe is applying is experience in print media to CSS with the introduction of CSS3 Regions and Exclusions. These features will allow a single block of content to span multiple columns and weave its way around pictures and charts much like you would see in a magazine or newspaper.

  • The Current Status of Mozilla’s Boot2Gecko

    Mozilla has progressed with Boot2Gecko, an open mobile operating system who’s interface is made up of applications based only on HTML, JavaScript and CSS, and running on top of Gecko. Telefonica, Deutsche Telecom and Adobe have announced their interest in the platform.

  • NetBeans 7.1 Shipped with JavaFX 2.0 and CSS3 Support

    Oracle have today released NetBeans 7.1, with a strong emphasis on GUI enhancements. The product includes developer support for JavaFX 2.0, significant updates to the Swing Builder (Matisse), and tools for visual debugging of both JavaFX and Swing user interfaces. For web GUI, NetBeans continues to flesh out its already strong HTML 5 coverage, adding support for CSS3.

  • Google Closure Stylesheets Makes It Easier to Work with CSS

    Google has open source under Apache License 2.0 Closure Stylesheets, a utility belonging to the Closure Tools package and useful when dealing with CSS. Closure Stylesheets is a Java program adding variables, functions, conditionals and mixins to CSS, making it simpler to work with large CSS files.

  • Yahoo! Cocktails with Mojito JavaScript Framework and Manhattan Cloud

    Yahoo! has recently announced Cocktails, a set of technologies that make it easy to develop and host applications that can run on both client and server-side environments. Cocktails is composed of Yahoo! Mojito, an environment-agnostic JavaScript web application framework, and Yahoo! Manhattan, a hosted platform (PaaS) for Mojito-based applications.

  • Sencha Beats Adobe in the Race for the 1st HTML5/CSS3 Animation Tool

    Sencha released Animator, a tool for creating CSS-based animations, that lets designers create interactive HTML5/CSS3-based animations that run smoothly on desktop and mobile devices, without requiring a plug-in. Sencha Animator enables designers to leverage Web standards and create, cross-platform animations for WebKit browsers, Internet Explorer 10, and popular touchscreen mobile devices

  • Web Workbench Introduces Sass, LESS, and CoffeeScript to Visual Studio 2010

    Mindscape recently announced Web Workbench, a free extension that adds Sass, LESS, and CoffeeScript functionality to Visual Studio 2010. Sass and LESS are languages meant to simplify CSS3 development, and CoffeeScript increases JavaScript’s readability and conciseness.

  • Sending Richly Formatted Emails with .NET

    Richly formatted emails can require quite a bit of CSS, but since email clients don’t always handle CSS well the styles need to be inlined. With Ruby this is easily handled with the Alex Dunae’s Premailer library, but calling it from .NET isn’t palatable to most developers. So Martin H. Normark built a .NET version called PreMailer.NET.

  • Visual Studio Gets Better Support for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

    Following Microsoft’s announcement that Windows 8’ UI will be based on HTML5 and JavaScript, it is no surprise that Visual Studio 2010 has got an update polishing its HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 support: up-to-date W3C-based intellisense and validation for HTML5 and CSS3, plus Geolocation and DOM storage intellisense.