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  • Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Component & Integration Tests

    Quarkus is a full-stack, Kubernetes-native Java framework made for Java virtual machines (JVMs) and native compilation. Instead of reinventing the wheel, Quarkus uses well-known enterprise-grade frameworks backed by standards/specifications and makes them compilable to a binary using Graal VM. This article focuses on using some of the Quarkus testing facilities.

  • Java InfoQ Trends Report—September 2020

    This article provides a summary of how the InfoQ editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java space in 2020. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities.

  • TornadoVM: Accelerating Java with GPUs and FPGAs

    The proliferation of heterogeneous hardware represents a problem for programming languages such as Java that target CPUs. TornadoVM extends the Graal JIT compiler to take advantage of GPUs & FPGAs and provides a flexible, high-level model whilst still enabling high performance and features such as live task migration.

  • Getting Started with Quarkus

    Quarkus created quite a buzz in the enterprise Java ecosystem in 2019. What exactly is Quarkus? How is it different from other technologies established in the market? How can Quarkus help me or my organization? To better explain the motivation behind the Quarkus project, we need to look into the current state of software development.

  • Build Great Native CLI Apps in Java with Graalvm and Picocli

    Compared to other choices, Java is not that convenient for creating simple command-line driven apps - largely due to the need to distribute a sizable runtime. The combination of GraalVM and Picocli aims to change that, by providing native compilation alongside an easy, modern way to handle command-line args.

  • Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java Framework, Reaches Version 1.0: Q&A with Thomas Qvarnstrom

    Quarkus, a Kubernetes native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot, has reached version 1.0. Quarkus is an Open Source stack for writing Java applications, offering unparalleled startup time, memory footprint and developer experience. InfoQ spoke with Thomas Qvarnstrom, senior principal product manager at Red Hat, in order to learn about the Quarkus journey, extensions, and more.

  • Java InfoQ Trends Report - July 2019

    The InfoQ Java trend report provides an overview of technology adoption and commentary on how we see the Java and JVM-related space evolving in 2019. Key developments include the release of Java 13, the rise of non-HotSpot JVMs and the evolution of GraalVM, and the changing landscape of Java microservice frameworks.