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  • Red Hat Releases WildFly 18 Featuring Support for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile

    Red Hat has released version 18 of their WildFly application server featuring support for Jakarta EE 8 and MicroProfile 3.0. Other features include alignment with the Jakarta EE APIs, support for JDK 13, and enhancements to security, clustering and EE subsystems, especially in the areas of EJB and RESTEasy.

  • Wildfly 16: Improvements to Messaging and Clustering

    Continuing with its quarterly delivery model, Wildfly 16 was released last month, closing or resolving almost 200 issues, feature requests, and bugs. Included in this release was Galleon, a provisioning tool for constructing custom-tailored Wildfly servers, compatibility with JDK12, as well as several enhancements to messaging, and clustering support.

  • RedHat Releases JBoss 7.2 With EE 8

    RedHat has released JBoss 7.2, with full support for the EE 8 specification. This release brings another application server into the Jakarta EE, post-Oracle environment. It also provides support for modern web technologies such as Servlet 4.0 with HTTP/2 capabilities.

  • Thorntail 2.2.0 Features Automated Migration from WildFly Swarm

    Since the rebranding of WildFly Swarm 2018.5.0 to Thorntail 2.0.0 in late June, Red Hat has released Thorntail versions 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 within a three-week time frame since mid-August. Along with many bug fixes, especially related to MicroProfile, new features include compliance with MicroProfile 1.3 through a new community-driven organization, SmallRye, and an automated migration process.

  • JBoss Web Server 5 with Tomcat 9 is Available

    Red Hat JBoss Web Server (JWS) combines the Apache web server with the Tomcat servlet engine for building, deploying, and maintaining web applications and large-scale websites. JBoss Web Server version 5 was recently released supporting Tomcat 9 and introduces several new features and enhancements.

  • Red Hat Releases WildFly Application Server Version 10.1

    Red Hat has released version 10.1 of their WildFly application server, featuring full HTTP/2 support, automatic generation of TLS certificates, and improved load balancing.

  • Remotely Exploitable Java Zero Day Exploits through Deserialization

    According to a recent security analysis by Foxglove Security suggests that applications using deserialization may be vulnerable to a zero-day exploit. This includes libraries including OpenJDK, Apache Commons, Spring and Groovy. InfoQ investigates.

  • RedHat Microservices Architecture Developer Day London

    Last week, RedHat hosted a "Microservices Architecture Developer Day" in London, and presented a set of technologies and patterns that can be used to create microservice-based applications using open-source solutions like Kubernetes, Docker, Fabric8 and Maven. Read on for more details about the day, including links to the presentations and demo videos.

  • Effektif Open Sources BPM Software with an Emphasis on Developers

    Business process management software provider Effektif today announced the open sourcing of their workflow engine. The new model allows developers to include Effektif workflows from within their applications via Java and REST APIs

  • Interview with WildFly Lead Jason Greene on WildFly 8

    Red Hat's JBoss division has today announced the availability of WildFly 8, the product formerly know as JBoss Application Server. InfoQ spoke to Jason Greene, WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect at Red Hat's JBoss division to find out more about the new product.

  • Red Hat Renames JBoss Application Server to WildFly, Opens Up Commercial AS Binaries to All

    Leading Linux vendor Red Hat has announced that JBoss Application Server is being renamed WildFly, said to represent JBoss AS's "extremely agile, lightweight, untamed and truly free" nature. In a separate announcement the firm has also started to make the binaries for their Enterprise Application Platform available to developers under an LPGL license for free.

  • Community-Driven Research: Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 10th question: "Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • JBoss Developer Framework: A Documentation Hub For JBoss Technologies

    JBoss Developer Framework is a central documentation resource for JBoss related technologies. The emphasis is on showing a developer how to use the whole software stack at all layers (e.g. user interface and persistence layer) in a single place. It contains Maven quickstarts, tutorials, migration documentation and other resources related to web development for the JBoss Application Server.

  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 - Java EE 6, Fast Start-up, Low-memory, Cloud-ready

    Red Hat has recently released JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 6, which features a cloud-ready architecture, improved management capabilities and better development tools. It can be deployed in on-premise, private, and public clouds, and is the run-time engine that drives Java applications in OpenShift, Red Hat's PaaS offering.

  • The Future Of JBoss Seam And Apache DeltaSpike

    Seam 3.1 is the last "bundled" release from JBoss. The project continues in the form of Apache DeltaSpike (currently in incubation) an attempt to combine all individual efforts on CDI extensions.