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InfoQ Homepage Management Content on InfoQ

  • The Pitfalls that You Should Always Avoid when Implementing Agile

    Moving from traditional project management to agile is a paradigm shift. From push to pull systems from a control-and-command culture to a trust culture where authority is delegated. A good structure with some control mechanisms will most likely help you get the wanted results quicker. This article discusses the role that management plays in organizations that have decided to adopt agile.

  • Dealing with Politics in Agile or Lean Teams

    InfoQ interviewed Katharine Kirk about how agile or lean can increase politics and how she combines ideas from agile and lean with eastern and tribal philosophy to deal with people issues that arise. InfoQ also asked her to give a different perspective and practical advice for addressing and navigating politics in organizations.

  • Technical Leadership: The Often Overlooked Skills and Responsibilities of a Technical Team Leader

    A Technical Team Leader should demonstrate capability in three main areas which are often overlooked: Team Support, Technical Excellence, and Innovation. In the course of preparing TTL's, organizations tend to build capacity in one the three areas, but rarely in them all, which results in a deficiency in the TTL's capabilities and performance. Read more about these capabilities in this article.

  • How SOA Governance (and SOA Management) Should Actually Be Done

    Ganesh Prasad proposes separating governance and management in large SOA projects to make sure that right dependencies are used throughout the system in order to promote agility, lower operating costs and reduced operational risks.

  • Michael Stange at Agile Australia on Incrementally Transforming Organisation Structures

    At the Agile Australia conference Michael Stange spoke about patterns of organisational resistance and how to incrementally make change to structures that enable agility.

  • Nigel Dalton at Agile Australia on System Thinking, Social Experiments and 20 by 2020

    At the recent Agile Australia InfoQ spoke to Nigel Dalton about social experiments in modern management, applying Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking to workplaces, disruptive innovation and his goal of "20 by 2020" - having 20% of organisations using agile management approaches by 2020.

  • The Original Sin of Software Metrics

    This article argues it is inherently wrong to set up software metrics to try and 'improve' the software development process. Using a fictitious scenario, this article explains the reasons why it is wrong, the damages it may cause, and offers some alternatives for managing software development.

  • The Integration of Agile and the Project Management Office

    Agile and the Project Management Office (PMO) are no longer considered diametrically opposed phenomena. With an ever-changing business landscape, organizations are required to adopt more nimble approaches. In many cases, Agile is more suitable within the PMO than people think.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Hiring Geeks that Fit

    Author, consultant, blogger and management guru Johanna Rothman has written a new book titled Hiring Geeks that Fit, in which she addresses the challenges and joys of employing technical people. Published through Leanpub the book is available to InfoQ readers at a discounted rate.

  • Managing the Unmanageable: Author Q&A

    Mickey Mantle and Ron Lichty have written a book about managing and employing programmers. The book examines the characteristics of programmers and programming teams and discusses how to manage them. They provide a variety of tools along with many rules of thumb they’ve collected through the years.

  • Bridging the Management Gap

    As Agile becomes widely accepted within IT organizations, one roadblock to more significant organizational change is becoming clear - resistance from management. Traditional command & control management no longer suffices in a globalized, knowledge-based economy. When will we reach the tipping point where organizations unshackle themselves from the limitations of command & control?

  • Interview and Book Review: Enterprise Software Delivery

    "Enterprise Software Delivery" is the latest book by Alan W. Brown, and is a must-read guide for anybody concerned with the development and delivery of software in a large organisation.