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The Flow System: Getting Fast Customer Feedback and Managing Flow
The Flow System elevates Lean Thinking in an age of complexity by combining complexity thinking, distributed leadership, and team science into the Triple Helix of Flow, which organizations can use to become more innovative, adaptive, and resilient. This first article explores the importance of quality, getting fast feedback from customers, the concept of flow, and The Flow System.
Applying Stoicism in Testing
Agility stands for being aware of your environment. There is a specific set of values for a tester that you should stick to; they set limits to what you can deliver as a tester, and within those limits, you can keep your agility. But your values can cause a “collision” with agile people around you, because they don’t have to be perfectly in line with how people apply the agile principles.
Using a DDD Approach for Validating Business Rules
If the goal is to create software applications that emulate the behavior of domain experts, then the challenge is in capturing and implementing the business rules. This is more a factor of good knowledge management than it is raw coding ability. Following techniques from Domain-Driven Design can provide a structure for effectively validating and implementing business rules in a system.
2020 State of Testing Report
The 2020 State of Testing report provides insights into the adoption of test techniques, practices, and test automation, and the challenges that testers are facing. It shares results from the 2020 testing survey organized by Joel Montvelisky from PractiTest, and Lalit Bhamare from Tea-Time with Testers.
Q&A on the Book The Science of Organizational Change
In The Science of Organizational Change, Paul Gibbons challenges existing theories and tools of change management and debunks management myths. He explores going from a change management to a change-agility paradigm and provides 21st-century research on behavioral science, that affects topics such as project planning, change strategy, business-agility, and change leadership in a VUCA world.
Functional UI - a Model-Based Approach
Functional UI techniques rely on the functional relation between events processed by the user interface and the actions performed by the interface. If the user interface has discrete modes in which its behavior can be expressed simply, a modelization with state machines is an advantageous functional UI technique. This article explains the technique, its benefits and how it is used in the industry.
Q&A on the Book Righting Software
The book Righting Software by Juval Löwy provides a structured way to design a software system and the project to build it. Löwy proposes to use volatility-based decomposition to encapsulate changes inside the system’s building blocks, and explains how to design the project in order to provide decision makers with several viable options trading schedule, cost, and risk.
Power to the People: Unleashing Teams through Liberating Structures
Liberating Structures are a great way for teams to find their voice. They make this happen by asking us to think creatively about the kinds of invitations we are making, and by subverting the normal power dynamics in a meeting. In this article, Greg Myer shares how he is using Liberating Structures at Capital One.
The Importance of Metrics to Agile Teams
This article outlines the importance of and proposes meaningful Agile metrics for teams seeking to raise overall performance and whose members seek to continuously self-improve. It emphasizes that team members should democratically agree and manage these metrics. It also advises what to look for in tools that track performance against agreed metrics over time.
Q&A on the Book Risk-First Software Development
The book Risk-First Software Development by Rob Moffat views all of the activities on a software project through the lens of managing risk. It introduces a pattern language to classify different risks, provides suggestions for balancing risks, and explores how software methodologies view risks.
Correctness vs Change: Which Matters More?
In ongoing software development, our core work is changing code. Jessica Kerr argues that by building changeable software on top of existing, well-understood components, and by improving delivery automations, teams will get better at their core work of delivering value and "changing reality".
Robust Engineering: User Interfaces You Can Trust with State Machines
Industrial-strength modelling techniques used in safety-critical domains can be leveraged for the specification and implementation of user interfaces. This article explains how state machine modelling may lead to robust, testable and maintainable user interfaces.