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InfoQ Homepage News Castle Project Founder Joins Microsoft

Castle Project Founder Joins Microsoft

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The founder of the Castle Project, Hamilton Verissimo de Oliveira, has decided to join Microsoft as Project Manager of the MEF team according to his blog. Castle is a .NET open source project intended to help enterprise and web development.

Hamilton says that he wants to stop working independently and chooses a large corporation because:

First of all, meeting Scott Guthrie and talking to Brad Abrams made me realize those guys are just as fanatics about technology as I am. They want to create things that rocks, and so do I.

Another reason Hamilton gives is:

Secondly, having a company (Castle Stronghold) is great - you can set different directions, invest time, money and whatnot on what you think is best, you can see things flourishing (or not). That being said, I shall add that sometimes it’s a nightmare. It’s definitely not cool when a client tells you they are broken and can’t pay you. And that is just a tiny bit of the stress and aggravation associated with running a business.

Hamilton promises to keep working on Castle, but he will have little to do with Castle Stronghold, the company which will continue to offer support for applications built on Castle.

It's interesting that Hamilton publicly criticized Microsoft in the past, and he still maintains his views promising that he will express his point of view from inside.  A Hamilton's blog post called "VMWare vs. Microsoft" and published in 2007 is tagged under the "Evil Corporations" category. It's not sure if the evil corporation is VMWare or Microsoft or both, but from the short message one could understand that he is referring to Microsoft.

The following projects make up Castle: MonoRail, a MVC framework, ActiveRecord, an enterprise data mapping using NHibernate, and MicroKernel/Windsor Container which is an IOC container.

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