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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: Loom and Panama Updates, Groovy 4.0, GraalVM 22.0 CE, Jakarta EE RPC

Java News Roundup: Loom and Panama Updates, Groovy 4.0, GraalVM 22.0 CE, Jakarta EE RPC

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This week's Java roundup for January 24th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 18, JDK 19, Projects Loom and Panama, Jakarta EE, Groovy 4.0, Spring Framework updates, Micronaut 3.3.0, GraalVM 22.0 CE, Liberica NIK, MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators 3.0-RC1, Hibernate updates, JHipster 7.6, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2, JReleaser early-access, Apache Camel and Camel K, and at FOSDEM.


Jonathan Gibbons, principal member of technical staff at Oracle, announced that version 6.2 of jtreg, the test harness used by the JDK test framework for writing regression tests, will be the last version to support older versions of the JDK. As Gibbons explains:

Since JDK 9, jtreg has been constrained to be compilable with JDK 8, so that we can compile some parts of the code to run on older versions, and this has effectively meant that all of jtreg has been constrained to only use API and language features available in JDK 8.

This change will allow for a more modern codebase that will require JDK 11 or JDK 17 as a minimal version.

JDK 18

Build 33 of the JDK 18 early access builds was made available this past week, featuring updates from Build 32 that include fixes to various issues. More details may be found in the release notes.

JDK 19

Build 7 of the JDK 19 early-access builds was also made available this past week, featuring updates from Build 6 that include fixes to various issues. More details may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 18 and JDK 19, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Project Loom

Build 19-loom+2-58 of the Project Loom early-access builds was made available to the Java community and is based on Build 6 of JDK 19 early-access builds.

Project Panama

Build 19-panama+1-13 of the Project Panama early-access builds was also made available to the Java community and is based on an incomplete version of JDK 19 and features an alignment of the jextract utility with JDK 18.

Jakarta EE

Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE developer advocate at the Eclipse Foundation, announced in his Hashtag Jakarta EE weekly blog that a new specification, Jakarta RPC, has been approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. This new specification will focus on building gRPC-based applications within the Jakarta EE ecosystem. Developers are encouraged to join the Jakarta RPC mailing list should they be interested in participating in Jakarta RPC.


The anticipated release of Groovy 4.0.0 was made available to the Java community featuring 28 bug fixes/improvements since the RC-2 release and over 800 new features, improvements and bug fixes since the release of Groovy 3.0.0. This includes ​​switch expressions, records, sealed types and the Groovy-Integrated Query (GINQ), a DSL for querying with SQL-like syntax. More details may be found in the release notes.

Spring Framework

On the road to the first milestone release of Spring Cloud 2022.0.0, codenamed Kilburn, has been made available. As with Spring Framework 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0, the GA version of Spring Cloud 2022.0.0 will require JDK 17+ and be aligned with Jakarta EE 9. Further details, including some breaking changes, may be found in the release notes.

Spring Initializr 0.12.0 has been released featuring 10 bug fixes and improvements along with dependency upgrades to Gradle 7.3.3, Maven 3.8.4, Maven Resolver 1.7.3, Maven Resolver Provider 3.8.4 and Spring Boot 2.6.3. More details may be found in the release notes.

Spring Native 0.11.2 has been released featuring 30 bug fixes, improvements in documentation and dependency upgrades. Some new features include: prevent generating unnecessary Maven AOT test sources with the use of the -DskipTests flag; provide a meaningful error message upon detecting logback.xml; and properly disable the spring-boot-devtools module in AOT mode.

Spring Authorization Server 0.2.2 has been released that ships with new features, bug fixes and dependency upgrades. Further details may be found in the release notes and this example application to help developers get started.


The Micronaut Foundation has released Micronaut 3.3.0 to include support for GraalVM 22.0.0 and introduces Micronaut Email, a new module to more effectively send emails from within a Micronaut application. More details may be found in the release notes.

Micronaut has also announced that Let’s Encrypt has revoked certificates using their TLS with ALPN validation method from January 26 through January 28, 2022, due to two reported instances of non-compliance. This could affect developers using the Micronaut Acme to renew any security certificates.


In the January 17, 2022 edition of the Java news roundup, InfoQ reported that GraalVM 22.0 Enterprise Edition was released with a delay in providing the Community Edition to accommodate additional testing. The GraalVM 22.0 Community Edition for JDK 11 and JDK 17 was made available this past week featuring improvements in build times and memory usage in the Native Image utility. InfoQ has provided more details in this news story.

Liberica Native Image Kit

BellSoft has released a new Liberica Native Image Kit (NIK) version and an upgraded version 21.3.1. New features include: support for OpenJFX in Liberica NIK for MacOS; and the native-image utility included by default in all editions of NIK eliminating the need to separately install it via the gu utility.


On the road to MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators 3.0, the first release candidate was made available featuring alignment with Jakarta EE 9.1 and a refactored load() method in the Java ServiceLoader class to serve as a PrivilegedAction upon implementing the ReactiveStreamsEngine and ReactiveStreamsFactory interfaces to resolve a security issue using WildFly. Further details may be found in the release notes.


Hibernate Search 6.1.0.Final has been released featuring: support for asynchronous, distributed automatic indexing through the outbox-polling coordination strategy; compatibility with Elasticsearch 7.16 and OpenSearch versions 1.0 and 1.2; and new predicates for improved searching using a DSL language.

Hibernate ORM 5.6.5.Final has been released featuring improved compatibility with the latest version of the H2 database, version 2.1.210, but it has been advised that developers should review the H2 database changelogs and to update their scripts, ORM mappings and H2 configuration as necessary.

On the road to Hibernate ORM 6.0, the first release candidate has been made available to include support for the UserCollectionType interface via the @CollectionType or @CollectionTypeRegistration annotations. Developers are encouraged to review the user guide.


Version 7.6.0 of JHipster has been released to include new features such as: a dependency upgrade to Spring Boot 2.6.3; fix the userManagementService issue with Vue; fix the Browsersync issue not updating the web after upgrading to previous JHipster 7.5.0 release with Angular; and a number of library upgrades. More details may be found in the release notes.

IntelliJ IDEA

JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 that ships with a number of fixes such as: Cmd-N (⌘N) on macOS doesn't open the Generate dialog box after File->New was invoked; unnecessary index re-scanning; and indentation issues in YAML files. Further details may be found in the release notes.


An early-access release of JReleaser, a Java utility that streamlines creating project releases, has been made available to include: a fix for Docker specifications; a check for null in an Archive distribution type; and changing the default value of the check-multi-line-strings property from true to false. InfoQ plans to follow up with a more detailed news story with the GA release of JReleaser 1.0.0.

Apache Camel

The Apache Software Foundation has provided a new LTS point release in the Camel 3.14 release train. Version 3.14.1 features 47 bug fixes and improvements, and dependency upgrades to versions 2.16.0, 2.17.0 and 2.17.1 of Log4j2, Logback 1.2.8, camel-spring-boot 2.6.3 and bouncycastle 1.70.

Version 1.8 of Apache Camel K was released featuring support for KEDA (Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling) that will allow developers to more efficiently provide autoscaling of incoming events. More details about this new feature may be found in this blog post.

Camel K, a lightweight integration framework, is built with Camel K Runtime 1.11.0, Camel Quarkus 2.6.0, Camel 3.14.0 and Camel Kamelets 0.7.0. at FOSDEM 2022

The Friends of OpenJDK,, a community platform for the Java ecosystem​, will be hosting their own developer rooms at the upcoming FOSDEM 2022 conference scheduled for Saturday-Sunday, February 5-6, 2022.

FOSDEM, a two-day event organized by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software, will be providing a number of tracks and other developer rooms, AKA devrooms, hosted by other organizations and communities.

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