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InfoQ Homepage News Java's Collections Framework Gets a Makeover with New Sequenced Collection Types

Java's Collections Framework Gets a Makeover with New Sequenced Collection Types

JEP 431: Sequenced Collections has been promoted from Candidate to Proposed to Target status for JDK 21. It proposes introducing "a new family of interfaces that represent the concept of a collection whose elements are arranged in a well-defined sequence or ordering, as a structural property of the collection." This is motivated by the need for a well-defined ordering and a uniform set of operations within the Collections Framework.

Java's collections framework has long needed a collection type that represents a sequence of elements with a defined encounter order and a uniform set of operations that apply across such collections. Unfortunately, support for encounter order is currently spread across the type hierarchy, making expressing certain practical concepts in APIs difficult. In response, a proposal has been proposed to introduce new interfaces to represent collections with a defined encounter order and provide uniform APIs for accessing their first and last elements and processing them in reverse order.

The lack of a collection type representing a sequence of elements with a defined encounter order has been a repeated source of problems and complaints. For example, while List and Deque define an encounter order, their common supertype is Collection, which does not. Similarly, Set does not specify an encounter order, and subtypes such as HashSet do not define one, but subtypes such as SortedSet and LinkedHashSet do.

To address this issue, new interfaces have been defined for sequenced collections, sequenced sets, and sequenced maps and then retrofitted into the existing collection’s type hierarchy. All of the new methods declared in these interfaces have default implementations. Sequenced collections, sets, and maps all have different characteristics, with sequenced collections representing a collection whose elements have a defined encounter order, sequenced sets representing a set that is a sequenced collection that contains no duplicate elements, and sequenced maps representing a map whose entries have a defined encounter order.

The new reversed()method provides a reverse-ordered view of the original collection, enabling all the different sequenced types to process elements in both directions using all the usual iteration mechanisms, such as enhanced for loops, explicit iterator() loops, forEach(), stream(), parallelStream(), and toArray().

The SequencedCollection interface includes several new methods, as follows::

interface SequencedCollection<E> extends Collection<E> {
    // new method
    SequencedCollection<E> reversed();
    // methods promoted from Deque
    void addFirst(E);
    void addLast(E);
    E getFirst();
    E getLast();
    E removeFirst();
    E removeLast();

The SequencedSet interface includes the same methods as SequencedCollection, plus reversed(). Finally, the SequencedMap interface includes several new methods, as follows:

interface SequencedMap<K,V> extends Map<K,V> {

    // new methods
    SequencedMap<K,V> reversed();
    SequencedSet<K> sequencedKeySet();
    SequencedCollection<V> sequencedValues();
    SequencedSet<Entry<K,V>> sequencedEntrySet();
    V putFirst(K, V);
    V putLast(K, V);
    // methods promoted from NavigableMap
    Entry<K, V> firstEntry();
    Entry<K, V> lastEntry();
    Entry<K, V> pollFirstEntry();
    Entry<K, V> pollLastEntry();

All three new interfaces fit neatly into the existing collections type hierarchy, with List having SequencedCollection as its immediate superinterface, Deque having SequencedCollection as its immediate superinterface, LinkedHashSet implementing SequencedSet, SortedSet having SequencedSet as its immediate superinterface, LinkedHashMap implementing SequencedMap, and SortedMap having SequencedMap as its immediate superinterface.

While explicit-positioning APIs such as SortedSet::addFirst and SortedMap::putLast throw UnsupportedOperationException because the sequence of their elements is determined by relative comparison, the asymmetry of having some collections not implement all of the SequencedCollection operations is valuable because it brings SortedSet and SortedMap into the sequenced collection family, allowing them to be used more broadly than otherwise.

Overall, introducing new interfaces to represent collections with a defined encounter order and a uniform set of operations that apply across such collections is a significant step forward for Java's Collections Framework. By providing support for encounter order in a consistent and easy-to-use manner, the framework will become more intuitive and efficient for developers.

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