According to core developer Mike Neale:
JBoss Rules 3.0 introduces the new Eclipse Workbench plugin making it easier to write and debug rules. Feature highlights include support for first order logic (not, exists), a new drl langauge with easy dsl exension capabilities, truth maintenance with logical objects, agenda groups, dynamic rules and high performance indexing for over 20x performance improvements compared to Drools 2.Drools is designed to allow pluggable language implementations. Currently rules can be written in Java, Python and Groovy. Drools provides for Declarative Programming and is flexible enough to match the semantics of your problem domain with Domain Specific Languages (DSL) via XML using a Schema defined for your problem domain. DSLs consist of XML elements and attributes that represent the problem domain. Drools also has a .NET port allowing rules through a completely managed .NET code base. Rules can be written in any .NET language ((C#, VB.NET, J#, etc.) that can target the CLR(Version 2).
The Drools team has also maintains a roadmap/wishlist for future releases.