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InfoQ Homepage Object Oriented Design Content on InfoQ

  • Designing for flexibility and robustness: Asynchronous message model, OOP and Functional Programming

    According to Pragmatic Programmers it is preferable in OOP to avoid design based on returning values. Michael Feathers argues that it may also be better to use the asynchronous message model that might be instrumental for improving adaptability and robustness. This maps well to the Erlang model though opposing some of the principles of pure functional programming.

  • Naked Objects adds Java 1.5, Injection, Hibernate

    Naked Objects is an architectural pattern and a framework for developing applications where domain objects takes a central role. Naked Objects recently released version 3.0 with support for Java 1.5, injection, an alternate UI, Hibernate object store, integrated security and contributed actions. InfoQ took the opportunity to speak with Richard Pawson, inventor of the Naked Objects pattern.

  • Understanding the ActionScript Virtual Machine for Java Developers

    The ActionScript Virtual Machine 2 (AVM2) executes ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) bytecode in the Flash Player 9 runtime. ActionScript 3 is an Object Oriented programming language, used by developers to build Flash based applications in Adobe Flex and AIR.

  • InfoQ Presentation: Eric Evans on Domain Driven Design - Putting the Model to Work

    Why bother with models? Eric Evans explains that the most critical complexity of most software projects is understanding the business domain itself. In this talk Evans talks about the foundations of Domain-Driven Design and how to make a domain model truly pull its weight and positively transform a project.

  • Preserving flexibility while using Active Record pattern

    Bob Martin believes that Active Record pattern that maps data structures to objects may be a source of confusion. Even though it appears to be an object, it actually is a data structure, vulnerable to the addition of new types. To preserve the flexibility, Bob Martin suggests separating Active Record from the application, so that the latter can be designed and structured solely around objects.

  • Book Review: Implementation Patterns

    Kent Beck's new book, Implementation Patterns, is a book about writing code in Java. The patterns in this book are based on Kent's reading of existing code as well as his own programming habits. The patterns in this book are meant to be a coherent view of how to write code people can understand.

  • OOP: Thinking beyond verb/noun metaphor to yield a better design

    In OOP, objects are traditionally coupled with actions that determine their behavior, implemented as objects’ methods. Reg Braithwaite argues that, in some cases, it may be relevant to dissociate the two. Traditional approach to OOP is also questioned by Buko Obele who advocates for going beyond the verb/noun metaphor that is often used to approach object oriented design.

  • Interview: Eric Evans on Domain Driven Design

    Ever since Eric Evans wrote the book Domain-Driven Design in 2004 he has been a significant voice advancing domain modeling and design concepts. In this interview with Floyd Marinescu he talks about some of the recent refinements in Domain-Driven Design and how people are advancing the field today.

  • Confusing unit-of-work with threads

    Most server-side applications and many desktop applications contains data that is tied to a particular task that’s being executed. A common solution is to keep that kind of data in thread-local storage; to keep the data in variables bound to the executing thread. Convenient, but a practice based on a faulty assumption.

  • Gemstone OODB to support JRuby, Rubinius

    Gemstone is working on Ruby support for their Object Database products, starting off with JRuby. We talked to Alan McKean from Gemstone about what's to come, technical details and Gemstone's plans with Rubinius.

  • Measuring the Immeasurable: Code Metrics for Visual Studio

    Code metrics are a way to mathematically calculate the complexity of code. There are several ways to do this, 5 of which are included in Visual Studio Orcas.

  • Defining Design Quality

    A good design is elegant and simple - but elegance is in the eye of the beholder. James Shore, in his book 'The Art of Agile Development', disagreed with this abstract concept. In fact, he provided a very concrete definition of design quality: "A good software design minimizes the time required to create, modify, and maintain the software while achieving run-time performance."

  • SOA Coverage on Software Engineering Radio

    Software Engineering Radio, a podcast for professional developers, has an extensive coverage of SOA, including interviews with Werner Vogels, Steve Vinoski, Gregor Hohpe, and Michael Stal.

  • InfoQ Interview: Tim Bray on Rails, REST, Java Dynamic Languages, and More

    InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.

  • The Rise and Fall of CORBA

    CORBA guru Michi Henning analyzes the reasons for CORBA's (perceived or real) failure and puts blame on the standardization process.