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InfoQ Homepage Scripting Content on InfoQ

  • Reporting tool Ruport releases version 1.2

    Ruport, the Ruby reporting tool, was just released in version 1.2. Meanwhile, the Ruport Book effort is coming along as well.

  • Catching Up with Scala

    The Scala programming language has been catching the eye of a number of developers as of late. Scala is a functional object-oriented language which provides a seamless blend of features not found elsewhere, all while running on the JVM.

  • Groovy as a business user language?

    With its inclusion into OpenOffice as the VBA equivalent for that suite, Groovy has an opportunity to become something that Java will never be: a tool that business power users use to customize their office suite and build workgroup applications.

  • Ruby.NET moves to open source community model

    The team of the (Gardens Point) Ruby.NET compiler announced that it'll start working towards opening their project to outside committers.

  • JRuby Team members doubtful about IronRuby

    Two members of the JRuby core team, Ola Bini and Charles O. Nutter, wonder whether Microsoft's IronRuby could possibly be a fully compliant Ruby implementation and run Rails, given Microsoft's policies. A viable alternative to IronRuby, the Ruby.NET compiler, is suggested.

  • Google SoC Series: Rubyland: Extending Desktop Applications with Ruby

    We continue our Ruby Google Summer of Code (SoC) series with Rubyland. This tool associates events from the OS or applications with Ruby scripts, making desktop automation very easy. We caught up with Scott Ostler to chat about the details behind Rubyland.

  • Article: Automating File Uploads with SSH and Ruby

    Matthew Bass introduces us to the Net::SFTP and Net::SSH libraries in Ruby and shows how easy it is to build a useful tool with it. In the process, he gives tips on avoiding pitfalls with the APIs.

  • Using SAP4Rails to Quickly Develop for SAP

    Dan Mcweeny presented a case study at JavaOne on using Ruby On Rails and SAP4Rails (an open source SAP integration library). His group was able to create a specialized web 2.0 front end in 2 weeks without prior knowledge of Ruby or Rails.

  • Sun CTO Bob Brewin on JavaFX Mobile and JavaFX Script

    InfoQ sat down with Bob Brewin, Sun's Chief Technology Officer, who filled in some of the blanks about JavaFX, what it means to Sun, to Java developers, and to consumers, who are the real focus of JavaFX.

  • Sun to Introduce JavaFX Mobile and JavaFX Script

    According to industry publications, Sun is slated to announce JavaFX Script at Tuesday morning's opening JavaOne keynote. JavaFX Script will target desktop, web, and mobile devices.

  • Microsoft Surpasses Java's Dynamic Language Support?

    Microsoft's announcement of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) has caused quite a stir in many areas, also in the Java space. Many voices seem convinced that the DLR has given .NET a major head start over the JVM, because it solves many problems Java is only just starting to realize. We look at the current situation of dynamic language support and how it compares to the DLR.

  • Microsoft announces IronRuby

    Microsoft has just announced IronRuby at their MIX 07 conference. This also kicks off a bigger effort to support dynamic languages on .NET. Based on the experience gained in developing IronPython, a common Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) builds the foundation for IronRuby, IronPython, JavaScript (EcmaScript 3.0) and Visual Basic.

  • Presentation: Simplifying Enterprise Development with Groovy

    Guillaume Laforge, Groovy project manager, teaches how scripting with Groovy can increase your productivity and help you build and test solutions faster on the Java platform. Topics include Groovy the language, Ant builder, XML support, Swing support, Groovy's Meta Object Protocol, and more.

  • CS-Script - The C# Script Engine

    Do you wish for a scripting language with access to the .NET Framework and the syntax of C#? With CS-Script, you get just that.

  • Groovy Gains Big Sky Sponsorship and aboutGroovy Portal

    The momentum behind Groovy continued to increase this week with the announcement of Big Sky Technology's funding of Jochen Theodorou's services full time to work on the project and the launch of the aboutGroovy portal.