InfoQ Homepage GOTO 2012 Content on InfoQ
The Startup Hangover: Supporting 15M Users
Phil Calçado presents SoundCloud’s approach to dealing with scalability issues when their user number grew beyond what they initially could support by creating services in various languages.
Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor
Trisha Gee introduces the Disruptor - a parallel messaging framework -, explains how to use it in code, and shows how it was used to solve an application’s messaging needs.
Building Scalable Products that Customers Love
Per Jonsson discusses Lean Startup in the context of real world examples, and helpful tools for startups - Feedback Loop, Customer Development and the Lean Canvas.
Writing Datomic in Clojure
Rich Hickey introduces Datomic, including architectural and implementation details.
The Impedance Mismatch is Our Fault
Stuart Dabbs Halloway explains what the impedance mismatch is and what can be done to solve it in the context of RDBMS, OOP, and NoSQL.
The Power of Play: Making Good Teams Great
Portia Tung believes that play at work can improve team relationship and can fire up creativity.
Is It Just Me Or Is Everything $#!t?
John Nolan rants about the computer-driven information society we live in and the compromises it forces us to make, pleading for a simpler and more humane approach to it.
Entirely Predictable Failures
Poul-Henning Kamp considers that if developers are not getting better, we are going to repeat many of the major IT project failures. He exemplifies with major Denmark project failures.
Embracing Variability
Don Reinertsen proposes addressing uncertainty not by considering it harmful nor by embracing it but by efficiently reducing it in the context of the economic laws governing the software dev process.
Cross-Platform Tools: Build Once and Run Everywhere
Alexey Karpik reviews JS libraries – Sencha, JQuery, Jo-, frameworks –Rhomobile, M-Project-, and tools –PhoneGap, MoSync, Appcelerator, Antenna-, discussing how they fare with mobile development.
Security Vulnerabilities for Grown-ups
Vitaly Osipov shares 7 product security lessons learned at Atlassian related to why security incidents happen, what we would like to do about them and what can be done.
Fast Mobile UIs - You’re an Edge Case
Horia Dragomir offers tips on creating responsive UIs on mobile platforms along with advice on several pitfalls that need to be avoided.