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  • Payara Tour of Japan 2019

    Payara recently completed a one-week tour of Japan in which they visited prominent Java Users Groups. Featured speakers were Kenji Hasunuma, service engineer at Payara, Ondrej Mihályi, senior service engineer at Payara, and Yusuke Yamamoto, Java Champion, creator of Twitter4J, and president of Samuraism, a Japanese company providing development tools and training.

  • MicroProfile Releases Reactive Streams Operators 1.0

    MicroProfile released the Reactive Streams Operators 1.0 API, a specification that defines a set of operators for Reactive Streams that allow developers to: create Reactive Streams; process the data transiting in the streams; and accumulate results. James Roper, architect and co-creator of the Lagom microservices framework at Lightbend, spoke to InfoQ about the Reactive Stream Operators API.

  • Eclipse Releases MicroProfile 2.2 for Java Microservices

    The Eclipse foundation recently released MicroProfile 2.2, helping developers to create microservices on top of EE 8. This release comes at the same time that Eclipse is taking over as steward of Java EE and rebranding it to Jakarta EE.

  • MicroProfile Community Launches MicroProfile Starter, a Web-Based Project Generator

    The MicroProfile community has recently launched a beta release of MicroProfile Starter, a website that allows you to create, configure and download a new automatically generated project. Users can specify the project's coordinates (groupId and artifactId), which version of MicroProfile they'd like to use, their MicroProfile server, and a number of other project configuration options.

  • IBM Releases Open Liberty with Support for MicroProfile 2.1 and Reactive Extensions

    IBM’s fourth quarter 2018 release of Open Liberty features full support for MicroProfile 2.1, reactive extensions, and connection pool metrics. Kevin Sutter, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE (EE4J) architect for WebSphere at IBM, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release and what we can expect from Open Liberty in 2019.

  • IBM Releases Open Liberty with Support for MicroProfile 2.0

    IBM’s third quarter release of Open Liberty features full support for MicroProfile 2.0 and a focus on the MicroProfile Metrics API. Alasdair Nottingham, WebSphere and Liberty runtime architect at IBM, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release.

  • Payara Foundation Releases Payara Server and Payara Micro 5.183 Featuring MicroProfile 2.0 Support

    The Payara Foundation has recently released version 5.183 of Payara Server and Payara Micro with a host of new features, upgrades, and bug fixes including full support for MicroProfile 2.0 and Java EE 8. New features include: updates to MicroProfile APIs and the Admin Console; support for the OpenID specification; and a new application deployment descriptor schema.

  • Eclipse Releases Versions 1.4 and 2.0 of MicroProfile

    The Eclipse Foundation recently released versions 1.4 and 2.0 of MicroProfile featuring relevant updates to the APIs, including comprehensive Test Compatibility Kits (TCKs), Maven coordinates, Javadocs, and Git tags. These versions are fully aligned with Java EE 7 and Java EE 8. The synergies between MicroProfile and Jakarta EE have sparked some speculation that the two platforms could merge.

  • The MicroProfile Community Influence on Jakarta EE

    James Roper, senior developer and co-creator of the Lagom microservices framework at Lightbend, was recently named a committer for Eclipse MicroProfile. As the first committer to represent Lightbend, Roper shared his journey and the MicroProfile community influence on Jakarta EE. InfoQ spoke to Roper about his experiences and reached out to fellow MicroProfile committers for their input.

  • Eclipse MicroProfile 1.3 Is Now Available

    Eclipse MicroProfile extends Java EE to better address microservices by providing an open-source community specification for enterprise Java microservices. Release 1.3 introduces the OpenAPI, OpenTracing, and Rest Client APIs and updates the Config and Metrics APIs.

  • What's New in MicroProfile 1.2

    The Eclipse Foundation recently released MicroProfile version 1.2. New APIs added to this release include improved communications among microservices, response to system faults, and the JSON Web Toolkit (JWT). Emily Jiang, CDI and MicroProfile development lead at IBM, and Michael Croft, Java middleware consultant at Payara, spoke to InfoQ about this latest release.

  • Oracle Joins Eclipse MicroProfile Project

    Following its decision to move stewardship of the Java EE technologies to the open-source Eclipse Foundation, creating the EE4J project, Oracle has now joined IBM, Red Hat and others in the Eclipse MicroProfile project.

  • Oracle Announced Plans to Open Source All Features of Their JDK and Address Shortcomings in Java EE

    During the opening keynote at JavaOne this year, Oracle announced plans to release Java SE under GPL and to open-source all the features in Oracle’s JDK.  The vendor also admitted that Java EE wasn’t fit for the new world of microservices and serverless, and talked about plans to address the issue.  Case studies on modern microservices architectures were provided by Alibaba and Spotify.

  • MicroProfile Group Holds Discussion Panel Event during JavaOne

    On 22nd September, the MicroProfile group held a panel event in San Francisco to discuss the current and future situation. Albeit not being part of JavaOne, the fact that it coincided in time and city made it easy for conference-goers to attend. The panel included representatives from RedHat, Payara, SouJava, Tomitribe, IBM, and the LJC, and speculated about the shape of future Java development.