InfoQ Homepage QCon San Francisco 2009 Content on InfoQ
Horizontal Scalability via Transient, Shardable, and Share-Nothing Resources
Adam Wiggins details how memcached, CouchDB, Hadoop, Redis, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Erlang apply the transient, shardable and share-nothing principles to achieve horizontal scalability.
Project-Oriented SOA
Leo Shuster shows how to combine service architecture and lifecycle management, funding, SOA governance and metrics in order to develop individual projects and an SOA initiative in the same time.
Dave Hoover and Paul Pagel on Apprenticing to Mastery
Dave Hoover and Paul Pagel discuss the patterns of behavior they've observed in successful apprenticeships.
Basking in the Limelight
Micah Martin introduces Limelight, a JRuby GUI library that uses the theater metaphor for writing GUIs. The talk introduces basic concepts, how to style GUIs, and much more.
Open Source at - 10x Scalability at Half the Cost
Stefan Norberg presents’s architecture which uses XHTML 1.0, CSS 2.1, YUI, caching, compression, image spriting, and CDN striping for front-end plus multiple replicas for scaling out.
QCon SF Keynote: Techie VC's Talk About Trends & Opportunities
Kevin Efrusy and Salil Deshpande talk about what makes a business successful or not, presenting three actual cases they have been involved with: Hyperic, G2One, SpringSource.
Security for the Services World
Chris Riley presents security issues threatening service based systems, examining security threats, presenting measures to reduce the risks, and mentioning available security frameworks.
Navigating The Rapids:Real-World Lessons in Adopting Agile
This talk investigates technical issues encountered when moving to an Agile process.
Codename "M": Language, Data, and Modeling, Oh My!
Don Box and Amanda Laucher present “M”, a declarative language for building data models, domain models or external DSLs. Don Box's demos show some of M’s features and latest changes of the language.
7 Fundamentals of Mission-Critical Service Testing
Schneider on 7 service testing fundamentals: thoroughly testing, large amounts of realistic data, security testing, high productivity, tracking test results, realistic loads, and proper governing.
Pragmatic F# in Action
Amanda Laucher and Josh Graham introduce the audience to F# basics showing some of its main features, emphasizing what makes it better than imperative languages, and also showing F# code samples.
Rails 3
Yehuda Katz explains Rails 3: the performance improvements, the new architecture, the influence of Merb, and much more. Also: a look at the Bundler tool.