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InfoQ Homepage AJAX Content on InfoQ

  • Article: Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform Use at CAS Software AG

    Eclipse RAP (Rich Ajax Platform) in the real world is covered in this case study which looks at how CAS Software AG used RAP on a recent new product offering. Eclipse Equinox is also used by CAS and covered in the case study.

  • Debate: Prototype vs. jQuery

    With Ajax dominating the Web development scene on the client-side, the question “which JavaScript/Ajax framework is the best” has become a common one. Glenn Vanderburg’s article which compares Prototype to jQuery caused diverse responses from industry experts Douglas Crockford and Dion Almaer.

  • jQuery 1.3 Released with New High Performance CSS Selector Engine

    Version 1.3 of the JavaScript library jQuery has been released featuring Sizzle, a brand new CSS selector engine which offers significant performance gains for the most frequently used selectors. Along with the release, a new API browser was presented which is available online or as an Adobe AIR application and can accommodate live running examples with which the developers can experiment.

  • HTML 5 Web Sockets vs. Comet and Ajax

    InfoQ discusses with Richard Smith from Kaazing, about the evolution of technologies like AJAX, Comet and how they match against the promising HTML 5 Web Sockets standard.

  • SmartGWT 1.0: A Q&A with Sanjiv Jivan

    SmartGWT 1.0, a GWT API for the SmartClient Javascript library, has been released. InfoQ had a Q&A session with Sanjiv Jivan, the lead developer.

  • SpringSource Embraces Groovy and Grails with Acquisition of G2One

    SpringSource announced today the acquisition of G2One, the company behind Grails and Groovy. InfoQ sat down with SpringSource CEO Rod Johnson and G2One CTO Graeme Rocher to discuss the benefits of combining forces.

  • JackBe Offers Free Developer Edition of Presto Mashup Platform

    JackBe, an enterprise mashup software provider, announced last week the availability of free Developer Edition of Presto Enterprise Mashup Platform. This is a community version of Presto Enterprise Mashup software which can be used to create and publish the mashup components. The product suite also includes a Mashup Server, An Eclipse-based Mashup Studio IDE and Mashup Composers.

  • JavaServer Faces 2.0 Composite Components

    The JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 expert group have released Draft 2 for JSF 2.0. This introduces a composite component model based on the Facelets approach which greatly simplifies the building of custom components with the standard Java EE web framework.

  • JavaScript Meets Ruby: John Barnette Explains Johnson

    Johnson brings Javascript to Ruby, allowing to run Javascript inside a Ruby runtime. To understand the why and how behind Johnson, we talked to John Barnette who's behind Johnson.

  • Web Frameworks, MVC, and ASP.NET

    After nearly a year as a community tech preview, Microsoft has released the first true beta of the ASP.NET MVC framework. ASP.NET MVC is a radical departure from the WebForms technology has promoted in the past, and in the opinion of many, a return to mainstream web programming. The MVC pattern provides the cornerstone for web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and Java's Spring Framework.

  • FlexChart: Flash Charting Application for AJAX

    FlexChart is an open source Flash application built for uses in AJAX applications. The charting application is driven through dynamically through XML.

  • Article: Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 3 of 3)

    This article, the last in a three-part series by Wesley Hales, expands upon the previous articles by introducing Seam. It covers integrating Seam into the previous sample application, deploying a Seam portlet, Bridgelets, Single-sign on between Seam and JBoss Portal, and several new features and capabilities of JBoss Portlet Bridge.

  • AJAX Animator Demonstrates AJAX in RIA World

    AJAX Animator is an open-source project uses AJAX technologies to provide a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, Web-based animation suite. The 0.2 release shows good potential for AJAX plays in the RIA world. The creator of AJAX Animator recently shared his insights with InfoQ.

  • Overview of the Appcelerator RIA Platform

    In this post, InfoQ discusses the Appcelerator platform with Matt Quinlan, Vice President of Community Development at Appcelerator. Quinlan highlights the strengths of Appcelerator and some of its common uses.

  • Web IDL: W3C Language Bindings for DOM Specifications Gets a New Name

    The W3C recently published the working draft of Web IDL which was formerly known as the Language Bindings for DOM Specifications. The working draft defines a syntactic subset of OMG IDL version 3.0 for use by specifications that define interfaces. InfoQ spoke to the specification editor to learn more about the specification and its impact on the Web development community.