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  • JetBrains Meta Programming System Supports Language Oriented Programming and DSLs

    Meta Programming System (MPS), a new Language Oriented Programming tool from JetBrains, allows the developers to extend programming languages as well as create Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) for enterprise applications. JetBrains development team recently announced the release of beta version of MPS software.

  • Rapid Application Development using Naked Objects for .NET

    Richard Pawson of Naked Objects offers brief history of the framework and introduction to Naked Objects for .NET. Naked objects can be seen as Domain Driven Design taken to the extreme. With proper annotation, this framework can automatically generate a matching presentation layer in Java or .NET.

  • Is There a Symbiosis Between SOA and DDD?

    As the complexity of the real-life problems grows, it becomes obvious that in order to solve them, it is often necessary to combine multiple techniques. One example of a good symbiotic relationship is that between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Domain Driven Design (DDD).

  • Article: 8 Reasons Why Model-Driven Approaches (will) Fail

    When you want to build model-driven software you’ll need to devise a methodology based on ideas and experiences from others. Johan den Haan shares 8 gotchas of Model Driven Engineering. One of the key points in the article focuses on the use of graphical tools vs general purpose languages.

  • Object Relational Mapping - User Case Studies

    Roberto Zicari, from, collected interviews and stories from several users of Object/Relational mapping technologies. The main point of the cases was around "impedance mismatch" between the object technology in the domain model and the relational technology in the data model.

  • Article: Best Practices for Model-Driven Software Development

    Model-driven software development no longer belongs to the fringes of the industry but is being applied in more and more software projects with great success. In this article, experienced MDD practitioners pass on some best practices based on the experiences gathered over years of development.

  • Article: Domain Driven Design and Development In Practice

    Domain-Driven Design is a subject where there currently are very few examples of how to actually do it in practice. In this article, Srini Penchikala gives you guidelines, practices, frameworks and tools that technical leads and architects can use in the effort of implementing a system in a Domain-Driven way.

  • Presentation: Intentional Software

    Business users doing programming? Charles Simonyi and Henk Kolk presents how Intentional Software offers a radical new software approach that separates business knowledge from software engineering knowledge, which means that business experts can be more innovative and responsive to the changes in the domain.

  • Presentation: Business Natural Languages Development in Ruby

    In this presentation, Jay Fields introduces his concept of Business Natural Languages (BNL). BNLs are a type of Domain Specific Language, designed to be readable by any subject matter expert, which allows to create maintainable specifications and documentation. The example languages are implemented using Ruby.

  • InfoQ Minibook: Composite Software Construction

    In a new InfoQ minibook, InfoQ SOA Editor and SOA Enterprise Architect Jean-Jacques Dubray describes the state of the art and emerging new approaches in building "Composite Software", solutions created by assembling existing services. The book is available as an InfoQ Minibook, i.e. free of charge in PDF format for InfoQ users. A printed version is available too.

  • Naked Objects adds Java 1.5, Injection, Hibernate

    Naked Objects is an architectural pattern and a framework for developing applications where domain objects takes a central role. Naked Objects recently released version 3.0 with support for Java 1.5, injection, an alternate UI, Hibernate object store, integrated security and contributed actions. InfoQ took the opportunity to speak with Richard Pawson, inventor of the Naked Objects pattern.

  • Interview: Ivar Jacobson on the UP, UML, MDA, and the future of methodologies

    Ivar Jacobson, one of the creators of the Unified Process, UML, and use cases, introduces his vision for a next generation development methodology that is both agile and comprehensive like the Unified Process (UP). His vision includes 'Intelligent Agents' which make customization recommendations based on tool usage patterns. Jacobson also talks about his views on UML, MDA, AOP, and the future.

  • Agile, Orthodoxy and a Message From God

    A long and complex thread on the ScrumDevelopment list, set off by the phrase "Agile 2.0," has been exploring the past and future of Agile methodologies (for good or ill) including so-called "next generations" approaches like AUP, MSF Agile, and AMDD. Ron Jeffries, Ken Schwaber and Scott Ambler are just a few of the serious agilists who participated in this lively conversation.

  • jMatter: Naked Objects with Swing, Hibernate, and Web Start

    The jMatter framework, Eitan Suez' modern implementation of the Naked Objects Pattern using Swing, Hibernate, and deployed with Java WebStart, has been open-sourced this week. jMatter takes a domain model and then auto-produces 2-tier workgroup apps (Swing front-ends that talk to rdbms back-ends) intended to be used in a LAN or VPN environment.

  • Feature Driven Development : Still Relevant?

    First described in 1999, FDD was dismissed by some as "waterfallish". But it has developed into a complete methodology and is still in use. Is it truly Agile? Brad Appleton's recent article in CM Crossroads described it as different from other approaches, but still Agile and suitable for large projects and companies, especially those striving for CMM/CMMI certification.