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InfoQ Homepage News Agile Singapore Conference Announced

Agile Singapore Conference Announced

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 The first Agile Singapore conference has been announced.  It will be held at the Marina Bay Sands on November 7-8 2013.

The opening keynote will be my Jim McCarthy: Culture Hacking and the Coming Era of Magnificence

A culture is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that both describes and defines a group. Our era is increasingly characterized by an emergent “software culture.” Not only is software itself creating much of our global wealth, but the unique challenges of creating our software have demanded wholly new types of engineered corporate culture from us. In response to the demands of software, various high tech development disciplines have been articulated and “packaged up.” We have created several seminal management “movements” (such as Agile, Scrum, XP, etc.). These movements represent the birth of culture engineering and, although they are in and of themselves significant, they are very primitive compared to what will soon follow.

The closing keynote will be by David Hussman: Shut Up and Play Ya Guitar

History repeats itself in the form of people once again addicted to process. Ground hog day thinking calls for a renaissance of agility. We need to draw from the past as we reinvent the future. More value lies in intentional and contextual selection of the many tools in the agile community. Many people are striving to “do the process” or practice “pure Agile”, working under the named (or unnamed) assumption that following a process will lead to success. It is time to replace process thinking with outcome based thinking. Leading adoption of new tools and ideas by naming the expected outcomes helps people work toward success that is contextually significant and shows real value and promotes meaningful learning. Intentional agility is the source of our renaissance of agility, blindly following empty rituals will lead us back into the Dark Ages of software development (or lack thereof). 

The conference is a community organized event, and local speakers are invited to contact the organizers with talk proposals.  

Stuart Turner, one of the organization team, said:

The Agile Singapore conference is the first of its kind in this region. We're thrilled to be able to establish the event with some of the world's most insightful speakers and experienced practitioners in the field. Singapore has become a hub of agile interest in south-east Asia and we're proud to be able to expand our support of the continually growing community with this major event.

More details can be found on the conference website.

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