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InfoQ Homepage SOA Adoption Content on InfoQ

  • Complex Event Processing and EDA?

    Complex Event Processing systems and Event Driven Architectures have been identified as playing a larger role in sophisticated systems today and in the future. What that role is and how it is carried out are up for debate.

  • Gartner: Emerging SOA Patterns in the Enterprise

    Gartner analysts have observed increased adoption of the following 5 SOA design patterns * Multi-channel Applications * Composite Applications * Business Process Orchestration * Service Oriented Enterprise * Federated SOA

  • Only 1 in 5 SOA Projects Actually Succeed

    A typical SOA implementation is as much about solving business and organizational problems as it is about technology. A latest SOA survey by Burton group shows that unless these three SOA underpinnings are balanced correctly, SOA implementations are destined to fail.

  • The Open Group Releases Draft of SOA Ontology Standard

    The SOA Working Group contributed to the Open Group a draft version of SOA Ontology 2.0. The standard defines a formal ontology for Service Oriented Architecture. The ontology is written in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and contains classes and properties corresponding to the important concepts of SOA.

  • Is Enterprise Data Management the Third Face of the SOA/BPM Coin?

    Fred Cummins, an EDS fellow, and SOA veteran, wrote an essay last week on "Data Management for SOA". He is looking at how some of the key tenets of service design ("loose coupling" and "autonomy") relate to enterprise data in the context of achieving reuse and enabling change.

  • SOA Wordle: Nice But Is It Art?

    Mike Matsumura has produced a SOA wordle (word cloud) that is interesting to look at, but is it an accurate reflection of SOA?

  • Are SOA Centers of Excellence Necessary?

    SOA is introducing new and complex processes and technologies while aiming at achieving challenging goals for the enterprise. A SOA Consortium panel discusses the importance of establishing a SOA CoE with a broad set of skills as a key success factor for delivering SOA.

  • Whoa There: SOA, SOA 2.0, ROA, WOA. An Acronym Too Far?

    With SOA 2.0 dead and the REST vs SOA vs Web Services debates simmering less fiercely of late, some in the industry have started to talk about Web Oriented Architecture (WOA). But is this different to anything that already exists (e.g., REST)? If so, why and how does it help developers and deployers? Burton Group's Anne Thomas Manes believes it is a term too far and adds nothing to the debate.

  • SOA Software Announces SOA Development Governance Product

    Good governance of a service-oriented architecture is becoming a core competency. SOA governance is about ensuring and validating that assets and artifacts within the architecture are operating as expected and maintaining a certain level of quality. Newly released Repository Manager from SOA Software provides many features, that are required for successful SOA governance implementation.

  • SOA Governance Revisited

    Despite increased adoption, many of the SOA projects are still failing Things are often getting so bad that in a recent SOA was called "Dead on Arrival". One of the ways to improve this situation is proper SOA governance.

  • The Simple Solution to SOA is ESBs?

    A recent ebizQ podcast with IBM's Lief Davidsen discusses how ESBs can be used as the simple solution to adopting SOA. The "should I or shouldn't I?" debate around the relationship between ESB and SOA has raged for a while and this interview will probably not be the final word.

  • Should your architecture focus on SOA or BPM?

    While SOA was the big name in the buzzword tag cloud, BPM is quickly getting bigger and bigger. As organizations are becoming more aware of the need to tame their processes in order to get the benefits of IT investments, BPM is gaining importance and mindshare inside and outside of IT. Is one more important for your architecture?

  • Generational SOA

    SOA has often been described as a longer term development pattern than the hype surrounding it would often imply. However, many authors have frequently pointed out where some or all of the practices involved within SOA have been used over the past few decades. Kirstan Vandersluis goes further and discusses specific generations of service-oriented development that have lead to today's systems.

  • New Resources for the Software Architecture

    Several new resources are available for the software architect. Simon Brown and Kevin Seal have made available a set of guidelines for creating software architecture documentation. Mike Kavis also put together a framework to help guide the architect in dealing with the change that new architecture can bring.

  • OSS, SOA and Web 2.0 in the e-Commerce sector

    People have thought of establishing a relationship between SOA and Web 2.0 for quite some time yet these two cultures are generally failing to cross-pollinate. InfoQ spoke with Marc Osofsky and Dave Gynn from Optaros, a consulting company which is delivering solutions using Open Source, SOA and Web 2.0. We discussed enterprise-readyness, component selection and rapid delivery methodology.