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InfoQ Homepage Workflow / BPM Content on InfoQ

  • WS-BPEL 2.0 Approaching Public Review

    The Web Services Business Process Execution Language Version 2.0 Specification is approaching the public review stage. This is an OASIS specification and governs process execution in SOA.

  • Esper: High Volume Event Stream Processing and Correlation in Java

    Esper is an event stream processing (ESP) and event correlation engine (CEP) unveiled this week with a 1.0 launch on Codehaus. Esper is a real time engine that triggers actions when pojo event conditions occurs among event streams. It is designed for high volume event correlation where millions of events coming in would make it impossible to use a classical RDBMS approach.

  • Contracts, Expectations, Agreements and Processes

    Contract first development isn't a new idea, but has some followers in the SOA domain. Recently, the W3C has extended the WSDL to include semantic annotations, enriching the basic contract with more metadata. Contracts are also explored in more detail in the development of processes by Steve Jones using tools like Eclipse and NetBeans.

  • InfoQ Article: The HandleExternalEvent in Windows Workflow

    The HandleExternalEvent Activity in Windows Workflow Foundation is used to handle events raised by the host process. It provides a way in which you can communicate with a workflow to notify it that some event has occured and get the workflow to respond.

  • Bonita Cooperative Workflow 2 Released

    Bonita is a workflow system for handing long-running, user-cooperative workflows, implemented as an EJB 2 and JMS app, released under LGPL. v2.0 adds XPDL support, a re-write of the iterations mechanism, JDK 1.5, internal timer services replaced by EJB 2.x timer service, iteration unit tests, and more.

  • InfoQ Article: Real World Rules Engines

    Rule engines are a useful tool that can be used to externalize business logic, involve business users, or solve certain classes of problems in an efficient way. In this InfoQ Article, Geoffrey Wiseman explains what, when, and how to use rules engines along with his experiences applying them in finanicial services.

  • JBoss Rules 3 (Drools) is out

    JBoss is timing a number of releases to coincide with next weeks JBoss world in Las Vegas. The latest is JBoss Rules 3.0, which is the new brand for the Drools rules engine project under JBoss' umbrella and support model. Drools is a Rules Engine implementation based on Charles Forgy's Rete algorithm tailored for the Java language.

  • Clemens Vasters on Services and Business/IT Alignment

    Clemens Vasters writes about the value of service-orientation (or lack thereof) for aligning business and IT.

  • Building Applications On Windows Workflow Foundation

    Three main factors that have limited the adoption of workflow models. The cost of most workflow products has been quite high. Integrating the workflow platform with existing systems and standardizing on a particular workflow model is also costly. Microsoft's David Green has written an article explaining the use cases for workflow and how to realize one with Windows Workflow Foundation.