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  • Designing Organisations with Purposeful Agile

    In a purpose-centric agile implementation, stakeholders make a clear shared purpose come to reality through visible outcomes. It starts with awareness of the organisation’s installed culture, finding installed habits and beliefs that pull back and block change, and deciding what you want to do about that. The second step is to create the necessary time and space for true change to happen.

  • Lessons from the UK Government's Digital Transformation Journey

    Citizens can get the information and services they need more quickly because users' needs are considered in government service design, and suppliers can work with the government in modern agile ways: these are two benefits resulting from the UK Government's digital transformation. Having teams exposed directly to users motivates teams to make their products better.

  • Arnold Egg on Agile in a Dynamic Environment at the Agile Impact Conference

    Arnold Egg will talk at the upcoming Agile Impact conference in Indonesia on Agile in a Dynamic Environment, exploring his experience as CTO of one of the largest conglomerates in Asia. He talks about how Indonesia is ideally situated to provide products and services for other parts of the world and what Digital Transformation is about. There is no single solution and copy-past adoptions fail.

  • 13th Annual State of Agile Survey is Open

    The 13th annual State of Agile survey has been announced by CollabNet VersionOne. This yearly survey explores the worldwide adoption of agile.

  • Gartner Updates Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

    In 2017, Gartner replaced their study on “Application Development Lifecycle Management” with new research on “Enterprise Agile Planning Tools”. According to the analysts, by leveraging customer centric and business outcome driven practices with continual feedback, Enterprise Agile Planning (EAP) tools help organizations establish agile practices at scale

  • Arthur Purnama on Integrated IT and Organizational Transformation

    Arthur Purnama will talk at the upcoming Agile Impact conference in Indonesia about his experiences helping organisations move towards integrated IT, and how the importance of understanding how people think, comprehend, and receive the message of change is crucial to the success of any transformation program.

  • Fin Goulding Injects Agility into the Management of Everything

    Fin Goulding, international CIO at Aviva, recently spoke at the DevOps Enterprise Summit London about using flow principles to advance agile capabilities throughout an organisation. InfoQ asked Goulding to expand on some of the points that he made during his talk.

  • Management Support in Agile Adoption

    It is essential that everyone involved in operating the business be aware of how IT can change daily operations. Senior management can look across silos and teams to impact the throughput of the entire system. IT managers and executives rely on business managers being active participants for teams to work effectively and efficiently. Management commitment remains key for agile across the company.

  • 12th State of Agile Report Published

    The 2018 State of Agile Report has been published by CollabNet VersionOne. Some of the conclusions from the report are that the need for customer and user satisfaction is increasing, more and more organizations are scaling agile, distributed teams are becoming the norm in agile software development, and many organization have started or plan to start a DevOps initiative in the next 12 months.

  • Lean-Agile Procurement for Outsourcing

    One of the last barriers to organisations becoming agile in their operations is the procurement process. At the recent Agilia Conference, Mirko Kleiner presented on Lean-Agile Procurement, an approach to negotiating service contracts which involves procurement specialists, IT teams and suppliers, to move from a combative stance to a collaborative approach to addressing the customers’ needs.

  • Co-Author of Agile Manifesto and Creator of Enterprise Scrum Mike Beedle Passed Away

    Mike Beedle, co-author of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and the creator of Enterprise Scrum, has passed away at the age of 55. He leaves his wife and six children behind.

  • Becoming an Agile Company

    Organizations have to give up much of their hierarchy and micro-management to become an agile company: totally changing the management model instead of doing small incremental changes which drown in the traditional bureaucratic structure. They need to stop doing things that inhibit agility, and focus on customer orientation, intrinsic motivation; leadership based on trust and less formal planning.

  • Agile Transformation at KPN iTV

    The management team became a leadership team that created a working environment for the squads where they facilitate instead of direct, autonomous squads were co-created using self-selection, and work is not organized in projects anymore but brought to stable autonomous teams: these are some of the major changes done in the agile transformation at KPN iTV.

  • Agile and the Use of Paradoxes

    Paradoxes support agile transformations; they make you stop, think, and discuss by using a shared language. They also help to show empathy and provide a way forward. VIVAT, a Dutch insurance company, uses paradoxes in training and everyday work to drive their agile transformation.

  • How to Win a Solar Race Using Agile

    The Nuon Solar team uses agile and Scrum to take the steps which add the most value to the project first, integrate different disciplines, ensure transparency and focus, and reflect to improve. Their goal is promote and educate the use of clean energy; the mission is to win the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa using the power of innovation.